eoa3 {eoa3}R Documentation

Evidence of Absense


This package is designed to analyze searcher efficiency, carcass persistence, search schedule, and carcass observation data for the estimation of bird and bat mortality at wind and solar power facilities. It is specially designed for analyses when few carcasses are observed and detection probability is low. [It works fine for large counts as well, but some estimators (GenEst in particular) are more well-endowed with a wider array of tools for analysis of large-count data.

Main command-line functions

est_pk0, est_cp0, est_g0

estimate searcher efficiency (pk), carcass persistence (cp), and (g) parameters

postM, postM.ab

estimate posterior distribution of MM given estimated gg and carcass count (X)

calcMstar, MCI

calculate MM* and credible interval for MM

Potentially useful calculation functions

sim_pk0, sim_cp0

simulate estimated SE and CP parameters


calculate probability that a carcass that arrives at an (unknown) uniform random time in an interval persists until a later, specified time. This is the generalized rr statistic for a given persistence distribution, arrival interval width, and search time.

Behind-the-scenes utility functions

fmmax, fmmax.ab

functions to calculate a suitable maximum value to truncate improper prior distributions of MM


function to extract MLE of pda and pdb parameters from a persistence distribution

[Package eoa3 version Index]