Species Distribution Modeling and Ecological Niche Modeling

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Documentation for package ‘enmSdmX’ version 1.1.2

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bioticVelocity Velocity of shifts in densities across a series of rasters
compareResponse Compare two response curves along one or more predictors
coordImprecision Calculate the precision of a geographic coordinate
countPoints Number of points in a "spatial points" object
crss Coordinate reference systems (CRSs) and nicknames
customAlbers Custom coordinate reference system WKT2 string
customLambert Custom coordinate reference system WKT2 string
customVNS Custom coordinate reference system WKT2 string
decimalToDms Convert geographic coordinates in decimal format to degrees-minutes-second
dmsToDecimal Convert geographic coordinates in degrees-minutes-second to decimal format
elimCellDuplicates Thin spatial points so that there is but one per raster cell
evalAUC Weighted AUC
evalContBoyce Continuous Boyce Index (CBI) with weighting
evalMultiAUC Calculate multivariate weighted AUC
evalThreshold Weighted thresholds for predictions
evalThresholdStats Thresholded evaluation statistics
evalTjursR2 Weighted Tjur's R2
evalTSS Weighted True Skill Statistic (TSS)
extentToVect Convert extent to a spatial polygon
geoFold Assign geographically-distinct k-folds
geoFoldContrast Assign geographically-distinct k-folds to background/absence sites
geoThin Thin geographic points deterministically or randomly
getCRS WKT string for a named coordinate reference system or a spatial object
getValueByCell Get or assign values to cells in a raster
globalx "Friendly" wrapper for terra::global() for calculating raster statistics
interpolateRasts Interpolate values from a series of rasters
lemurs Lemur occurrences from GBIF
longLatRasts Generate rasters with cell values equal to cell longitude or latitude
mad0 Madagascar spatial object
mad1 Madagascar spatial object
madClim Present-day climate rasters for Madagascar
madClim2030 Future climate rasters for Madagascar
madClim2050 Future climate rasters for Madagascar
madClim2070 Future climate rasters for Madagascar
madClim2090 Future climate rasters for Madagascar
modelSize Number of response data in a model object
nearestEnvPoints Extract "most conservative" environments from points and/or polygons
nearestGeogPoints Minimum convex polygon from a set of spatial polygons and/or points
nicheOverlapMetrics Metrics of niche overlap
plotExtent Create spatial polygon same size as a plot
predictEnmSdm Generic predict function for SDMs/ENMs
predictMaxEnt Predict a MaxEnt model object (with optional feature-level permutation)
predictMaxNet Predictions from a MaxNet model
sampleRast Sample random points from a raster with/out replacement
setValueByCell Get or assign values to cells in a raster
spatVectorToSpatial Convert SpatVector to Spatial*
squareCellRast Create a raster with square cells
summaryByCrossValid Summarize distribution/niche model cross-validation object
trainBRT Calibrate a boosted regression tree (generalized boosting machine) model
trainByCrossValid Calibrate a distribution/niche model using cross-validation
trainGAM Calibrate a generalized additive model (GAM)
trainGLM Calibrate a generalized linear model (GLM)
trainMaxEnt Calibrate a MaxEnt (ver 3.3.3+ or "maxent") model using AICc
trainMaxNet Calibrate a MaxNet (MaxEnt) model using AICc
trainNS Calibrate a natural splines model
trainRF Calibrate a random forest model
troubleshooting_parallel_operations Troubleshooting parallel operations
weightByDist Proximity-based weighting for occurrences to correct for spatial bias