bioticVelocity |
Velocity of shifts in densities across a series of rasters |
canada |
Vector outline of Canada |
compareResponse |
Compare two response curves along one or more predictors |
coordImprecision |
Calculate the precision of a geographic coordinate |
countPoints |
Number of points in a "spatial points" object |
crss |
Coordinate reference systems (CRSs) and nicknames |
customAlbers |
Custom coordinate reference system WKT2 string |
customLambert |
Custom coordinate reference system WKT2 string |
customVNS |
Custom coordinate reference system WKT2 string |
decimalToDms |
Convert geographic coordinates in decimal format to degrees-minutes-second |
dmsToDecimal |
Convert geographic coordinates in degrees-minutes-second to decimal format |
elimCellDuplicates |
Thin spatial points so that there is but one per raster cell |
evalAUC |
Weighted AUC |
evalContBoyce |
Continuous Boyce Index (CBI) with weighting |
evalMultiAUC |
Calculate multivariate weighted AUC |
evalThreshold |
Weighted thresholds for predictions |
evalThresholdStats |
Thresholded evaluation statistics |
evalTjursR2 |
Weighted Tjur's R2 |
evalTSS |
Weighted True Skill Statistic (TSS) |
extentToVect |
Convert extent to a spatial polygon |
geoFold |
Assign geographically-distinct k-folds |
geoFoldContrast |
Assign geographically-distinct k-folds to background/absence sites |
geoThin |
Thin geographic points deterministically or randomly |
getCRS |
WKT string for a named coordinate reference system or a spatial object |
getValueByCell |
Get or assign values to cells in a raster |
globalx |
"Friendly" wrapper for terra::global() for calculating raster statistics |
interpolateRasts |
Interpolate values from a series of rasters |
lemurs |
Lemur occurrences from GBIF |
longLatRasts |
Generate rasters with cell values equal to cell longitude or latitude |
mad0 |
Madagascar spatial object |
mad1 |
Madagascar spatial object |
madClim |
Present-day climate rasters for Madagascar |
madClim2030 |
Future climate rasters for Madagascar |
madClim2050 |
Future climate rasters for Madagascar |
madClim2070 |
Future climate rasters for Madagascar |
madClim2090 |
Future climate rasters for Madagascar |
modelSize |
Number of response data in a model object |
nearestEnvPoints |
Extract "most conservative" environments from points and/or polygons |
nearestGeogPoints |
Minimum convex polygon from a set of spatial polygons and/or points |
nicheOverlapMetrics |
Metrics of niche overlap |
plotExtent |
Create spatial polygon same size as a plot |
predictEnmSdm |
Generic predict function for SDMs/ENMs |
predictMaxEnt |
Predict a MaxEnt model object (with optional feature-level permutation) |
predictMaxNet |
Predictions from a MaxNet model |
sampleRast |
Sample random points from a raster with/out replacement |
setValueByCell |
Get or assign values to cells in a raster |
spatVectorToSpatial |
Convert SpatVector to Spatial* |
squareCellRast |
Create a raster with square cells |
summaryByCrossValid |
Summarize distribution/niche model cross-validation object |
trainBRT |
Calibrate a boosted regression tree (generalized boosting machine) model |
trainByCrossValid |
Calibrate a distribution/niche model using cross-validation |
trainESM |
Calibrate an ensemble of small models |
trainGAM |
Calibrate a generalized additive model (GAM) |
trainGLM |
Calibrate a generalized linear model (GLM) |
trainMaxEnt |
Calibrate a MaxEnt (ver 3.3.3+ or "maxent") model using AICc |
trainMaxNet |
Calibrate a MaxNet (MaxEnt) model using AICc |
trainNS |
Calibrate a natural splines model |
trainRF |
Calibrate a random forest model |
troubleshooting_parallel_operations |
Troubleshooting parallel operations |
weightByDist |
Proximity-based weighting for occurrences to correct for spatial bias |