nearestGeogPoints {enmSdmX}R Documentation

Minimum convex polygon from a set of spatial polygons and/or points


This function implements the "nearest geographic point" method (Smith et al. 2023) to enable the use of occurrence records geolocated only to a general place (e.g., a country or province), along with occurrences georeferenced with little error. The function returns a minimum convex polygon (MCP) constructed from a set of spatial polygons and/or points.


  pts = NULL,
  polys = NULL,
  centerFrom = "pts",
  return = "mcp",
  terra = TRUE



Either NULL (default) or a set of spatial points. This can be either a SpatVector (terra package) or POINTS or MULTIPOINTS sf object (sf package). These must be in an equal-area projection! This can also be a Spatial object (e.g., SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame) from the sp package, but the sp package will be deprecated in 2023.


Either NULL (default), or an object representing spatial polygons of (for example) counties in which a species is known to reside. This must be in an equal-area projection!. This object can be either a SpatVector (terra package)), or POLYGON, MULTIPOLYGON, LINESTRING, or MULTILINESTRING sf object (sf package). This can also be a Spatial object (e.g., SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame) from the sp package, the sp package will be deprecated in 2023.


Indicates how to locate the "reference" centroid used to identify points on each polygon. This is only relevant if both pts and polys are not NULL.

  • 'pts': The default is to use the centroid of pts, which finds the centroid of pts, then finds the location on the border of each polygon closest to this centroid.

  • 'polys': This option will first calculate the centroid of each polygon, then the centroid of these points, and then find the location on the border of each polygon closest to this point.

  • 'both': This option first calculates the centroid of each polygon, then finds the joint centroid of these points plus of pts, and lastly locates on the border of each polygon the point closest to this grand centroid.


Determines what is returned:

  • 'mcp' (default): The minimum convex polygon

  • 'mcpPoints': Points of the vertices of the minimum convex polygon

  • 'polyPoints': The point on each poly polygon closest to the given center


If TRUE (default), the return an object of class SpatVector. Otherwise, return an object of class sf.


This function constructs a minimum convex polygon (MCP) from a set of spatial points and/or spatial polygons. The manner in which this is done depends on whether polys and/or pts are specified:

The function can alternatively return the points on the vertices of the MCP, or points on the input polygons closest to the reference centroid.


SpatVector, or sf POLYGON representing a minimum convex polygon.


Smith, A.B., Murphy, S.J., Henderson, D., and Erickson, K.D. 2023. Including imprecisely georeferenced specimens improves accuracy of species distribution models and estimates of niche breadth. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32:342-355. doi:10.1111/geb.13628 Open access pre-print: doi:10.1101/2021.06.10.447988.

See Also

nearestEnvPoints for the "nearest environmental point" method, a related application for estimating niche breadth in environmental space.



### example using SpatVector inputs (terra package) ###

### prepare data

# Get coordinate reference systems:
# * WGS84
# * Tananarive (Paris) / Laborde Grid - EPSG:29701
wgs84 <- getCRS('WGS84')
madProj <- getCRS('Madagascar Albers')

# outline of Madagascar faritras
mad1 <- vect(mad1)
mad1 <- project(mad1, madProj)

# lemur point data
redBelly <- lemurs[lemurs$species == 'Eulemur rubriventer', ]
ll <- c('longitude', 'latitude')
redBelly <- vect(redBelly, geom=ll, crs=wgs84)
redBelly <- project(redBelly, madProj)

# *fake* lemur farita-level data
faritras <- c('Toamasina', 'Atsimo-Atsinana',
'Amoron\'i mania', 'Sava', 'Itasy')
polys <- mad1[mad1$NAME_2 %in% faritras, ]

### apply Nearest Geographic Point method

# get three kinds of minimum convex polygons (MCPs):

# MCP using just polygons
mcpPolys <- nearestGeogPoints(polys = polys)

# MCP using just points
mcpPts <- nearestGeogPoints(pts = redBelly)

# MCP using points & polys
mcpPolysPoints <- nearestGeogPoints(pts = redBelly, polys = polys)

# compare extent of occurrence (EOO) in m2

### plot minimum convex polygons

# MCP from precise occurrences only
plot(mad1, border='gray', main='MCP points only')
plot(polys, col='gray80', add=TRUE)
plot(mcpPts, col=scales::alpha('red', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(redBelly, pch=21, bg='red', add=TRUE)

legend=c('Precise occurrence', 'Imprecise occurrence', 'MCP'),
fill=c(NA, 'gray', scales::alpha('red', 0.4)),
pch=c(21, NA, NA),'red', NA, NA),
border=c(NA, 'black', 'black'))

# MCP from imprecise occurrences only
plot(mad1, border='gray', main='MCP polys only')
plot(polys, col='gray80', add=TRUE)
plot(mcpPolys, col=scales::alpha('orange', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(redBelly, pch=21, bg='red', add=TRUE)

legend=c('Precise occurrence', 'Imprecise occurrence', 'MCP'),
fill=c(NA, 'gray', scales::alpha('orange', 0.4)),
pch=c(21, NA, NA),'red', NA, NA),
border=c(NA, 'black', 'black'))

# MCP from precise and imprecise occurrences
plot(mad1, border='gray', main='MCP polys + points')
plot(polys, col='gray80', add=TRUE)
plot(mcpPolysPoints, col=scales::alpha('green', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(redBelly, pch=21, bg='red', add=TRUE)

legend=c('Precise occurrence', 'Imprecise occurrence', 'MCP'),
fill=c(NA, 'gray', scales::alpha('green', 0.4)),
pch=c(21, NA, NA),'red', NA, NA),
border=c(NA, 'black', 'black'))

### example using sf inputs (sf package) ###

### prepare data

# Get coordinate reference systems:
# * WGS84
# * Tananarive (Paris) / Laborde Grid - EPSG:29701
madProj <- sf::st_crs(getCRS('Madagascar Albers'))
wgs84 <- getCRS('WGS84')

# outline of Madagascar faritras
mad1 <- sf::st_transform(mad1, madProj)

# lemur point occurrence data
redBelly <- lemurs[lemurs$species == 'Eulemur rubriventer', ]
ll <- c('longitude', 'latitude')
redBelly <- sf::st_as_sf(redBelly[ , ll], crs=wgs84, coords=ll)
redBelly <- sf::st_transform(redBelly, madProj)

# *fake* farita-level occurrences
faritras <- c('Toamasina', 'Atsimo-Atsinana',
'Amoron\'i mania', 'Sava', 'Itasy')
polys <- mad1[mad1$NAME_2 %in% faritras, ]

### apply Nearest Geographic Point method

# get three kinds of minimum convex polygons (MCPs):

# MCP using just polygons
mcpPolys <- nearestGeogPoints(polys = polys, terra = FALSE)

# MCP using just points
mcpPts <- nearestGeogPoints(pts = redBelly, terra = FALSE)

# MCP using points & polys
mcpPolysPoints <- nearestGeogPoints(pts = redBelly, polys = polys,
terra = FALSE)

# extent of occurrence (EOO) in m2

### plot minimum convex polygons

# MCP from precise occurrences only
plot(st_geometry(mad1), border='gray', main='MCP points only')
plot(st_geometry(polys), col='gray80', add=TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(mcpPts), col=scales::alpha('red', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(redBelly), pch=21, bg='red', add=TRUE)

legend=c('Precise occurrence', 'Imprecise occurrence', 'MCP'),
fill=c(NA, 'gray', scales::alpha('red', 0.4)),
pch=c(21, NA, NA),'red', NA, NA),
border=c(NA, 'black', 'black'))

# MCP from imprecise occurrences only
plot(st_geometry(mad1), border='gray', main='MCP points only')
plot(st_geometry(polys), col='gray80', add=TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(mcpPolys), col=scales::alpha('orange', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(redBelly), pch=21, bg='red', add=TRUE)

legend=c('Precise occurrence', 'Imprecise occurrence', 'MCP'),
fill=c(NA, 'gray', scales::alpha('orange', 0.4)),
pch=c(21, NA, NA),'red', NA, NA),
border=c(NA, 'black', 'black'))

# MCP from precise and imprecise occurrences
plot(st_geometry(mad1), border='gray', main='MCP points only')
plot(st_geometry(polys), col='gray80', add=TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(mcpPolysPoints), col=scales::alpha('green', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(redBelly), pch=21, bg='red', add=TRUE)

legend=c('Precise occurrence', 'Imprecise occurrence', 'MCP'),
fill=c(NA, 'gray', scales::alpha('green', 0.4)),
pch=c(21, NA, NA),'red', NA, NA),
border=c(NA, 'black', 'black'))

### NOTE
# Using SpatVector input (terra package) yields EOOs that are slightly
# larger than using Spatial* (sp) or sf (sf) objects (by about 0.03-0.07%
# in this example). The difference arises because terra::expanse() yields a
# different value than sf::st_area.

[Package enmSdmX version 1.1.6 Index]