eha-package | eha: Event History Analysis |
aftreg | Accelerated Failure Time Regression |
aftreg.fit | Parametric proportional hazards regression |
age.window | Age cut of survival data |
cal.window | Calendar time cut of survival data |
check.dist | Graphical goodness-of-fit test |
check.surv | Check the integrity of survival data. |
child | Child mortality, Skellefteå, Sweeden 1850-1900. |
compHaz | Graphical comparison of cumulative hazards |
coxfunk | Loglihood function (partial likelihood) of a Cox regression |
coxreg | Cox regression |
coxreg.fit | Cox regression |
coxreg2 | Cox regression |
cro | Creates a minimal representation of a data frame. |
dEV | The EV Distribution |
dgompertz | The Gompertz Distribution |
dllogis | The Loglogistic Distribution |
dlnorm | The Lognormal Distribution |
dmakeham | The Gompertz-Makeham Distribution |
dpch | The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution. |
eha | eha: Event History Analysis |
EV | The EV Distribution |
fert | Marital fertility nineteenth century |
frail.fit | Frailty experiment |
geome.fit | Constant intensity discrete time proportional hazards |
Gompertz | The Gompertz Distribution |
gompertz | The Gompertz Distribution |
hazards | Get baseline hazards atoms from fits from |
HEV | The EV Distribution |
hEV | The EV Distribution |
Hgompertz | The Gompertz Distribution |
hgompertz | The Gompertz Distribution |
HiscoHisclass | HISCO to HISCLASS transformation |
Hllogis | The Loglogistic Distribution |
hllogis | The Loglogistic Distribution |
Hlnorm | The Lognormal Distribution |
hlnorm | The Lognormal Distribution |
Hmakeham | The Gompertz-Makeham Distribution |
hmakeham | The Gompertz-Makeham Distribution |
Hpch | The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution. |
hpch | The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution. |
Hweibull | The (Cumulative) Hazard Function of a Weibull Distribution |
hweibull | The (Cumulative) Hazard Function of a Weibull Distribution |
import_strata | 'strata' function imported from 'survival' |
import_Surv | 'Surv' function imported from 'survival' |
infants | Infant mortality and maternal death, Sweeden 1821-1894. |
join.spells | Straighten up a survival data frame |
Llogis | The Loglogistic Distribution |
Lnorm | The Lognormal Distribution |
Loglogistic | The Loglogistic Distribution |
Lognormal | The Lognormal Distribution |
logrank | The Log-rank test |
logrye | Rye prices, Scania, southern Sweden, 1801-1894. |
ltx | LaTeX printing of regression results. |
ltx2 | LaTeX alternative printing of regression results. |
make.communal | Put communals in "fixed" data frame |
makeham | The Gompertz-Makeham Distribution |
male.mortality | Male mortality in ages 40-60, nineteenth century |
mlreg | ML proportional hazards regression |
mort | Male mortality in ages 40-60, nineteenth century |
mpch | The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution. |
oe | Create an oe object |
oldmort | Old age mortality, Sundsvall, Sweden, 1860-1880. |
Pch | The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution. |
pch | The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution. |
pchreg | Piecewise Constant Proportional Hazards Regression |
perstat | Period statistics |
pEV | The EV Distribution |
pgompertz | The Gompertz Distribution |
phfunc | Loglihood function of a proportional hazards regression |
phreg | Parametric Proportional Hazards Regression |
phreg.fit | Parametric proportional hazards regression |
piecewise | Piecewise hazards |
pllogis | The Loglogistic Distribution |
plnorm | The Lognormal Distribution |
plot.aftreg | Plots output from an AFT regression |
plot.coxreg | Plot method for 'coxreg' objects |
plot.hazdata | Plots of hazdata objects. |
plot.logrank | Plots of hazdata objects. |
plot.phreg | Plots output from a phreg regression |
plot.tpchreg | Plots output from a tpchreg regression |
plot.weibreg | Plots output from a Weibull regression |
plotHaz | Graphical comparing of cumulative hazards |
pmakeham | The Gompertz-Makeham Distribution |
ppch | The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution. |
print.aftreg | Prints aftreg objects |
print.coxreg | Prints coxreg objects |
print.logrank | Prints logrank objects |
print.phreg | Prints phreg objects |
print.risksets | Prints a summary of the content of a set of risk sets. |
print.summary.aftreg | Prints summary.aftreg objects |
print.summary.coxreg | Prints summary.coxreg objects |
print.summary.phreg | Prints summary.phreg objects |
print.summary.tpchreg | Prints summary.tpchreg objects |
print.tpchreg | Prints tpchreg objects |
print.weibreg | Prints weibreg objects |
qEV | The EV Distribution |
qgompertz | The Gompertz Distribution |
qllogis | The Loglogistic Distribution |
qlnorm | The Lognormal Distribution |
qmakeham | The Gompertz-Makeham Distribution |
qpch | The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution. |
regtable | Retrieves regression tables |
rEV | The EV Distribution |
rgompertz | The Gompertz Distribution |
risksets | Finds the compositions and sizes of risk sets |
rllogis | The Loglogistic Distribution |
rlnorm | The Lognormal Distribution |
rmakeham | The Gompertz-Makeham Distribution |
rpch | The Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution. |
scania | Old age mortality, Scania, southern Sweden, 1813-1894. |
strata | 'strata' function imported from 'survival' |
summary.aftreg | Prints aftreg objects |
summary.coxreg | A summary of coxreg objects. |
summary.phreg | A summary of phreg objects. |
summary.tpchreg | Summary for tpchreg objects |
summary.weibreg | Prints a weibreg object |
Surv | 'Surv' function imported from 'survival' |
SurvSplit | Split a survival object at specified durations. |
swedeaths | Swedish death data, 1969-2020. |
swepop | Swedish population data, 1969-2020. |
table.events | Calculating failure times, risk set sizes and No. of events in each risk set |
toBinary | Transforms a "survival" data frame into a data frame suitable for binary (logistic) regression |
toDate | Convert time in years since "0000-01-01" to a date. |
toTime | Calculate duration in years from "0000-01-01" to a given date |
toTpch | Transform survival data to tabular form |
tpchreg | Proportional hazards regression with piecewise constant hazards and tabular data. |
weibreg | Weibull Regression |
weibreg.fit | Weibull regression |
Weibull | The (Cumulative) Hazard Function of a Weibull Distribution |
wfunk | Loglihood function of a Weibull regression |