activationsCueSet |
Calculate the change in activation for a specific cue or set of cues. |
activationsEvents |
Calculate the activations for each learning event. |
activationsMatrix |
Calculate the activations for one or a set of cues. |
activationsOutcomes |
Calculate the activations for all outcomes in the data. |
check |
Remove empty cues and/or outcomes. |
checkWM |
Check whether cues and outcomes exist in a weight matrix and optionally add. |
createTrainingData |
Create event training data from a frequency data frame. |
createWM |
Create empty weight matrix based on a set of cues and outcomes. |
cueWindow |
Create a 'cue window', for overlapping or continuous cues. |
dat |
Simulated learning data. |
edl |
Toolbox for Error-Driven Learning Simulations with Two-Layer Networks |
getActivations |
Function to calculate the activations. |
getCues |
Extract cues from list of weightmatrices. |
getLambda |
Retrieve the lambda values for all or specific outcomes for each learning event. |
getOutcomes |
Extract outcomes from list of weightmatrices. |
getUpdate |
Retrieve the weight updates and their change for each learning event. |
getValues |
Retrieve all cues from a vector of text strings. |
getWeightsByCue |
Extract the change of connection weights between a specific cue and all outcomes. |
getWeightsByOutcome |
Extract the change of connection weights between all cues and a specific outcome. |
getWM |
Retrieve all cues from a vector of text strings. |
luceChoice |
Function implementing the Luce choice rule. |
plotActivations |
Visualize the change of connection weights between a specific outcome and all cues. |
plotCueWeights |
Visualize the change of connection weights between a specific cue and all outcomes. |
plotNetwork |
Return strong weights. |
plotOutcomeWeights |
Visualize the change of connection weights between a specific outcome and all cues. |
RWlearning |
Function implementing the Rescorla-Wagner learning. |
RWlearningMatrix |
Function implementing the Rescorla-Wagner learning. |
RWlearningNoCueCompetition |
Function implementing the Rescorla-Wagner learning equations without cue competition (for illustration purposes). |
RWlearningNoOutcomeCompetition |
Function implementing the Rescorla-Wagner learning equetions without outcome competition (for illustration purposes). |
setBackground |
Set value background cue. |
updateWeights |
Function implementing the Rescorla-Wagner learning for a single learning event. |
updateWeightsNoCueCompetition |
Function implementing the Rescorla-Wagner learning equations without cue competition for a single learning event. |
updateWeightsNoOutcomeCompetition |
Function implementing the Rescorla-Wagner learning equations without outcome competition (for illustration purposes) for a single learning event. |