Solve the Empirical Bayes Normal Means Problem

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Documentation for package ‘ebnm’ version 1.1-2

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coef.ebnm Extract posterior means from a fitted EBNM model
confint.ebnm Obtain confidence intervals using a fitted EBNM model
ebnm Solve the EBNM problem
ebnm_add_sampler Add sampler to an ebnm_object
ebnm_ash Solve the EBNM problem using an ash family of distributions
ebnm_deconvolver Solve the EBNM problem using the "deconvolveR" family of distributions
ebnm_flat Solve the EBNM problem using a flat prior
ebnm_generalized_binary Solve the EBNM problem using generalized binary priors
ebnm_group Solve the EBNM problem for grouped data
ebnm_horseshoe Solve the EBNM problem using horseshoe priors
ebnm_normal Solve the EBNM problem using normal priors
ebnm_normal_scale_mixture Solve the EBNM problem using scale mixtures of normals
ebnm_npmle Solve the EBNM problem using the family of all distributions
ebnm_output_all Solve the EBNM problem
ebnm_output_default Solve the EBNM problem
ebnm_point_exponential Solve the EBNM problem using point-exponential priors
ebnm_point_laplace Solve the EBNM problem using point-Laplace priors
ebnm_point_mass Solve the EBNM problem using a point mass prior
ebnm_point_normal Solve the EBNM problem using point-normal priors
ebnm_scale_normalmix Set scale parameter for scale mixtures of normals
ebnm_scale_npmle Set scale parameter for NPMLE and deconvolveR prior family
ebnm_scale_unimix Set scale parameter for nonparametric unimodal prior families
ebnm_unimodal Solve the EBNM problem using unimodal distributions
ebnm_unimodal_nonnegative Solve the EBNM problem using unimodal nonnegative distributions
ebnm_unimodal_nonpositive Solve the EBNM problem using unimodal nonpositive distributions
ebnm_unimodal_symmetric Solve the EBNM problem using symmetric unimodal distributions
fitted.ebnm Extract posterior estimates from a fitted EBNM model
gammamix Constructor for gammamix class
horseshoe Constructor for horseshoe class
laplacemix Constructor for laplacemix class
logLik.ebnm Extract the log likelihood from a fitted EBNM model
nobs.ebnm Get the number of observations used to fit an EBNM model
plot.ebnm Plot an ebnm object
predict.ebnm Use the estimated prior from a fitted EBNM model to solve the EBNM problem for new data
print.ebnm Print an ebnm object
print.summary.ebnm Print a summary.ebnm object
quantile.ebnm Obtain posterior quantiles using a fitted EBNM model
residuals.ebnm Calculate residuals for a fitted EBNM model
simulate.ebnm Sample from the posterior of a fitted EBNM model
summary.ebnm Summarize an ebnm object
vcov.ebnm Extract posterior variances from a fitted EBNM model
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