applyChangeMeta | Apply Meta Data Changes. |
applyChangeMeta.valChanges | Apply Meta Data Changes. |
applyChangeMeta.varChanges | Apply Meta Data Changes. |
applyLookup | Recode via lookup table. |
applyLookup_expandVar | Recode via lookup table into multiple variables. |
applyNumCheck | Apply recodes according to a numerical check data.frame. |
assimilateValLabels | Assimilate value labels. |
autoRecode | Auto recode a variable in a 'GADSdat'. |
calculateScale | Calculate a scale. |
cbind.GADSdat | Bind two 'GADSdat' objects into a single 'GADSdat' object by columns. |
changeMissings | Change missing code. |
changeSPSSformat | Change SPSS format. |
changeValLabels | Change value labels. |
changeVarLabels | Change the variable label. |
changeVarNames | Change Variable Names. |
check4SPSS | Check 'SPSS' Compliance of Meta Data |
checkEmptyValLabels | Check Value Labels |
checkFormat | Check and Adjust SPSS Format |
checkMissings | Check and Adjust Missing Tags |
checkMissingsByValues | Check and Adjust Missing Tags |
checkMissingValLabels | Check Value Labels |
checkTrendStructure | Checks compatibility of two 'eatGADS' data bases. |
checkUniqueness | Check uniqueness of a variable. |
checkUniqueness2 | Check uniqueness of a variable. |
checkValue | Check for a specific value |
checkVarNames | Check names for 'SQLite' column name conventions. |
clean_cache | Clean temporary cache. |
cloneVariable | Clone a variable. |
collapseColumns | Collapse two columns of a lookup table. |
collapseMC_Text | Recode a multiple choice variable according to a character variable. |
collapseMultiMC_Text | Recode multiple choice variable with multiple variables. |
compareGADS | Compare two GADS. |
composeVar | Create a composite variable. |
convertCase | Modify upper and lower case for strings. |
convertCase.GADSdat | Modify upper and lower case for strings. |
createGADS | Create an 'eatGADS' data base. |
createLookup | Extract values for recoding. |
createNumCheck | Create data.frame for specification of numerical plausibility checks. |
createVariable | Create a variable. |
dummies2char | Transform dummy variables to character variables. |
emptyTheseVariables | Set variables to 'NA'. |
equalGADS | Test if two 'GADSdat' objects are (nearly) equal |
export_tibble | Transform a 'GADSdat' to a 'tibble' |
extractData | Extract Data |
extractData2 | Extract Data 2 |
extractDataOld | Extract Data while merging linking errors. |
extractGADSdat | Extract single 'GADSdat' from 'all_GADSdat' |
extractMeta | Get Meta Data |
extractVars | Extract or remove variables from a 'GADSdat'. |
fac2dummies | Transform a factor variable to dummy variables. |
fac2dummies_complex | Transform a complex factor variable to dummy variables. |
fillImputations | Fill imputed values. |
fixEncoding | Remove special characters. |
getChangeMeta | Extract table for Meta Data Changes. |
getGADS | Get data from GADS data base. |
getGADS_fast | Get data from GADS data base fast from server directory. |
getTrendGADS | Get data for trend reports. |
getTrendGADSOld | Get data for trend reports. |
import_convertLabel | Import an object imported via 'convertLabel' |
import_DF | Import R 'data.frame' |
import_raw | Import R data frame with explicit meta data sheets |
import_raw2 | Import R data frame with a explicit meta data sheet |
import_RDS | Import 'RDS' file |
import_spss | Import SPSS data |
import_stata | Import 'Stata' data |
insertVariable | Reorder a single variable in a 'GADSdat'. |
inspectDifferences | Inspect differences in a variable. |
inspectMetaDifferences | Inspect meta data differences in a variable. |
labelsGADS | Labels from relational 'eatGADS' data base. |
matchValues_varLabels | Match regular expressions and variable names. |
merge.GADSdat | Merge two 'GADSdat' objects into a single 'GADSdat' object. |
mergeLabels | Prepare data and metadata |
miss2NA | Recode Missings to 'NA' |
multiChar2fac | Transform one or multiple character variables to factor. |
namesGADS | Variables names of a GADS. |
orderLike | Order the variables in a 'GADSdat'. |
pisa | PISA Plus Example Data |
recode2NA | Recode values to 'NA'. |
recodeGADS | Recode a variable. |
recodeNA2missing | Recode 'NAs' to Missing. |
recodeString2NA | Recode a string to 'NA'. |
relocateVariable | Reorder a single variable in a 'GADSdat'. |
remove2NAchar | Shorten multiple text variables while giving NA codes. |
removeValLabels | Remove value labels. |
removeVars | Extract or remove variables from a 'GADSdat'. |
reuseMeta | Use meta data for variables from another 'GADSdat'. |
splitGADS | Split 'GADSdat' into hierarchy levels. |
stringAsNumeric | Transform string to numeric. |
subImputations | Substitute imputed values. |
updateMeta | Update meta data. |
write_spss | Write a 'GADSdat' object to a file |
write_spss2 | Write a 'GADSdat' object to 'txt' and 'SPSS' syntax |
write_stata | Write a 'GADSdat' object to a file |