matchValues_varLabels {eatGADS}R Documentation

Match regular expressions and variable names.


Using variable labels, matchValues_varLabels matches a vector of regular expressions to a set of variable names.


matchValues_varLabels(GADSdat, mc_vars, values, label_by_hand = character(0))



A GADSdat object.


A vector containing the names of the variables, which should be matched according to their variable labels.


A character vector containing the regular expressions for which the varLabel column should be searched.


Additional value - mc_var pairs. Necessary, if for some mc_vars no value exists.


Multiple choice items can be stored as multiple dichotomous variables with the information about the variable stored in the variable labels. The function collapseMultiMC_Text can be used to collapse such dichotomous variables and a character variable, but requires a character vector with variables names of the multiple choice variables. matchValues_varLabels creates such a vector based on matching regular expressions (values) to variable labels.

Note that all variables in mc_vars have to be assigned exactly one value (and vice versa). If a variable name is missing in the output, an error will be thrown. In this case, the label_by_hand argument should be used to specify the regular expression variable name pair manually.


Returns a named character vector. Values of the vector are the variable names in the GADSdat, names of the vector are the regular expressions.


# Prepare example data
mt2 <- data.frame(ID = 1:4, mc1 = c(1, 0, 0, 0), mc2 = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mc3 = c(0, 1, 1, 0),
                  text1 = c(NA, "Eng", "Aus", "Aus2"), text2 = c(NA, "Franz", NA, NA),
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

mt2_gads <- import_DF(mt2)

mt3_gads <- changeVarLabels(mt2_gads, varName = c("mc1", "mc2", "mc3"),
                           varLabel = c("Lang: Eng", "Aus spoken", "other"))

out <- matchValues_varLabels(mt3_gads, mc_vars = c("mc1", "mc2", "mc3"),
                            values = c("Aus", "Eng", "Eng"),
                            label_by_hand = c("other" = "mc3"))

[Package eatGADS version 1.1.0 Index]