Companion Package to "Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis"

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Documentation for package ‘dynpred’ version 0.1.2

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dynpred-package The companion package of the book "Dynamic Prediction in Survival Analysis"
ALL Data from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)
AUC Calculate AUC(t) curve
AUCw Calculate dynamic AUC(t) curve
cindex Calculate Harrell's c-index
cutLM Create landmark data set
CVcindex Calculate cross-validated c-index
CVPL Calculate cross-validated log-partial likelihood (with shrinkage)
deb Debugging function
dynpred The companion package of the book "Dynamic Prediction in Survival Analysis"
EBMT data Data from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)
evalstep Evaluate step function at a set of new time points
Fwindow Calculate dynamic "death within window" curve
nki Clinical and follow-up data of breast cancer patients as collected in the Dutch Cancer Institute (NKI) in Amsterdam
NKI breast cancer clinical data Clinical and follow-up data of breast cancer patients as collected in the Dutch Cancer Institute (NKI) in Amsterdam
ova Data originate from two clinical trials on the use of different combination chemotherapies, carried out in The Netherlands around 1980
Ovarian cancer data Data originate from two clinical trials on the use of different combination chemotherapies, carried out in The Netherlands around 1980
pe Calculate prediction error curve
pecox Calculate prediction error curve
pew Calculate dynamic prediction error curve
pewcox Calculate dynamic prediction error curve
scatterplot Create scatter plot with imputed survival times
toleranceplot Create a tolerance plot
WBC follow-up data Data from the Benelux CML study
WBC measurements data Data from the Benelux CML study
wbc1 Data from the Benelux CML study
wbc2 Data from the Benelux CML study