EBMT data {dynpred} | R Documentation |
Data from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)
Data from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)
A data frame of 2279 patients transplanted at the EBMT between 1985 and 1998. These data were used in Fiocco, Putter & van Houwelingen (2008) and van Houwelingen & Putter (2008). The included variables are
- id
Patient identification number
- rec
Time in days from transplantation to recovery or last follow-up
- rec.s
Recovery status; 1 = recovery, 0 = censored
- ae
Time in days from transplantation to adverse event (AE) or last follow-up
- ae.s
Adverse event status; 1 = adverse event, 0 = censored
- recae
Time in days from transplantation to both recovery and AE or last follow-up
- plag.s
Recovery and AE status; 1 = both recovery and AE, 0 = no recovery or no AE or censored
- rel
Time in days from transplantation to relapse or last follow-up
- rel.s
Relapse status; 1 = relapse, 0 = censored
- srv
Time in days from transplantation to death or last follow-up
- srv.s
Relapse status; 1 = dead, 0 = censored
- year
Year of transplantation; factor with levels "1985-1989", "1990-1994", "1995-1998"
- agecl
Patient age at transplant; factor with levels "<=20", "20-40", ">40"
- proph
Prophylaxis; factor with levels "no", "yes"
- match
Donor-recipient gender match; factor with levels "no gender mismatch", "gender mismatch"
We gratefully acknowledge the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) for making available these data. Disclaimer: these data were simplified for the purpose of illustration of the analysis of competing risks and multi-state models and do not reflect any real life situation. No clinical conclusions should be drawn from these data.
Fiocco M, Putter H, van Houwelingen HC (2008). Reduced-rank proportional hazards regression and simulation-based prediction for multi-state models. Statistics in Medicine 27, 4340–4358.
van Houwelingen HC, Putter H (2008). Dynamic predicting by landmarking as an alternative for multi-state modeling: an application to acute lymphoid leukemia data. Lifetime Data Anal 14, 447–463.