Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference for Multivariate Longitudinal Data

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Documentation for package ‘dynamite’ version 1.5.2

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dynamite-package The 'dynamite' package.
+.dynamiteformula Model formula for 'dynamite' Extract Samples From a 'dynamitefit' Object as a Data Frame Extract Samples From a 'dynamitefit' Object as a Data Table Extract Samples From a 'dynamitefit' Object as a Data Table
as_draws Convert 'dynamite' Output to 'draws_df' Format
as_draws.dynamitefit Convert 'dynamite' Output to 'draws_df' Format
as_draws_df Convert 'dynamite' Output to 'draws_df' Format
as_draws_df.dynamitefit Convert 'dynamite' Output to 'draws_df' Format
aux Model formula for 'dynamite'
categorical_example Simulated Categorical Multivariate Panel Data
categorical_example_fit Model Fit for the Simulated Categorical Multivariate Panel Data
coef.dynamitefit Extract Regression Coefficients of a Dynamite Model
confint.dynamitefit Credible Intervals for Dynamite Model Parameters
dynamice Estimate a Bayesian Dynamic Multivariate Panel Model With Multiple Imputation
dynamite Estimate a Bayesian Dynamic Multivariate Panel Model
dynamite-deprecated Deprecated Functions in the dynamite Package
dynamiteformula Model formula for 'dynamite'
fitted.dynamitefit Extract Fitted Values of a Dynamite Model
formula.dynamitefit Estimate a Bayesian Dynamic Multivariate Panel Model
gaussian_example Simulated Data of Gaussian Responses
gaussian_example_fit Model Fit for the Simulated Data of Gaussian Responses
gaussian_simulation_fit Model Fit for the time-varying example in the 'dynamite_simulation' Vignette
get_code Extract the Stan Code of the Dynamite Model
get_code.dynamitefit Extract the Stan Code of the Dynamite Model
get_code.dynamiteformula Extract the Stan Code of the Dynamite Model
get_data Extract the Model Data of the Dynamite Model
get_data.dynamitefit Extract the Model Data of the Dynamite Model
get_data.dynamiteformula Extract the Model Data of the Dynamite Model
get_parameter_dims Get Parameter Dimensions of the Dynamite Model
get_parameter_dims.dynamitefit Get Parameter Dimensions of the Dynamite Model
get_parameter_dims.dynamiteformula Get Parameter Dimensions of the Dynamite Model
get_parameter_names Get Parameter Names of the Dynamite Model
get_parameter_names.dynamitefit Get Parameter Names of the Dynamite Model
get_parameter_types Get Parameter Types of the Dynamite Model
get_parameter_types.dynamitefit Get Parameter Types of the Dynamite Model
get_priors Get Prior Definitions of a Dynamite Model
get_priors.dynamitefit Get Prior Definitions of a Dynamite Model
get_priors.dynamiteformula Get Prior Definitions of a Dynamite Model
hmc_diagnostics HMC Diagnostics for a Dynamite Model
hmc_diagnostics.dynamitefit HMC Diagnostics for a Dynamite Model
lags Add Lagged Responses as Predictors to Each Channel of a Dynamite Model
lfactor Define a Common Latent Factor for the Dynamite Model.
lfo Approximate Leave-Future-Out (LFO) Cross-validation
lfo.dynamitefit Approximate Leave-Future-Out (LFO) Cross-validation
loo Approximate Leave-One-Out (LOO) Cross-validation
loo.dynamitefit Approximate Leave-One-Out (LOO) Cross-validation
mcmc_diagnostics Diagnostic Values of a Dynamite Model
mcmc_diagnostics.dynamitefit Diagnostic Values of a Dynamite Model
multichannel_example Simulated Multivariate Panel Data
multichannel_example_fit Model Fit for the Simulated Multivariate Panel Data
ndraws Return the Number of Posterior Draws of a 'dynamitefit' Object
ndraws.dynamitefit Return the Number of Posterior Draws of a 'dynamitefit' Object
nobs.dynamitefit Extract the Number of Observations Used to Fit a Dynamite Model
obs Model formula for 'dynamite'
plot.dynamitefit Plots for 'dynamitefit' Objects
plot.dynamiteformula Plot the Model Structure as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
plot.lfo Diagnostic Plot for Pareto k Values from LFO
plot_betas Deprecated Functions in the dynamite Package
plot_deltas Deprecated Functions in the dynamite Package
plot_lambdas Deprecated Functions in the dynamite Package
plot_nus Deprecated Functions in the dynamite Package
plot_psis Deprecated Functions in the dynamite Package
predict.dynamitefit Predict Method for a Dynamite Model
print.dynamitefit Estimate a Bayesian Dynamic Multivariate Panel Model
print.dynamiteformula Model formula for 'dynamite'
print.lfo Print the results from the LFO
random_spec Additional Specifications for the Group-level Random Effects of the DMPM
splines Define the B-splines Used for the Time-varying Coefficients of the Model.
summary.dynamitefit Estimate a Bayesian Dynamic Multivariate Panel Model
update.dynamitefit Update a Dynamite Model