brt_fit |
Fit boosted regression tree models to species distribution or abundance data. |
convert_gbif |
Reformats GBIF data into 'dynamicSDM' data frame |
dynamic_proj |
Project species distribution and abundance models onto dynamic environmental covariates. |
dynamic_proj_covariates |
Combine explanatory variable rasters into covariates for each projection date. |
dynamic_proj_dates |
Generate vector of dates for dynamic projections |
dynamic_proj_GIF |
Create GIF of dynamic species distribution and abundance projections |
extract_buffered_coords |
Extract spatially buffered and temporally dynamic explanatory variable data for occurrence records. |
extract_buffered_raster |
Extract spatially buffered and temporally dynamic rasters of explanatory variable data. |
extract_coords_combine |
Combine extracted explanatory variable data for occurrence records into single data frame. |
extract_dynamic_coords |
Extract temporally dynamic explanatory variable data for occurrence records. |
extract_dynamic_raster |
Extract temporally dynamic rasters of explanatory variables. |
extract_static_coords |
Extract explanatory variables from static rasters |
get_moving_window |
Generate a “moving window” matrix of optimal size |
sample_cov_data |
Sample projection covariates three variables across for southern Africa. |
sample_events_data |
Sample e-Bird sampling event records |
sample_explan_data |
Sample species occurrence records with associated dynamic explanatory variables |
sample_extent_data |
MULTIPOLYGON object for the extent of southern Africa |
sample_filt_data |
Sample of filtered species occurrence records |
sample_occ_data |
Sample species occurrence records |
spatiotemp_autocorr |
Test for spatial and temporal autocorrelation in species distribution model explanatory data. |
spatiotemp_bias |
Test for spatial and temporal bias in species occurrence records |
spatiotemp_block |
Split occurrence records into spatial and temporal blocks for model fitting. |
spatiotemp_check |
Check species occurrence record formatting, completeness and validity. |
spatiotemp_extent |
Filter species occurrence records by a given spatial and temporal extent. |
spatiotemp_pseudoabs |
Generate pseudo-absence record coordinates and dates |
spatiotemp_resolution |
Filter species occurrence records by given spatial and temporal resolution |
spatiotemp_thin |
Thin species occurrence records by spatial and temporal proximity. |
spatiotemp_weights |
Calculate sampling effort across spatial and temporal buffer from species occurrence records |