Convenience Functions, Moving Window Statistics, and Graphics

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Documentation for package ‘dvmisc’ version 1.1.4

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dvmisc-package Convenience Functions, Moving Window Statistics, and Graphics
bmi3 Convert Continuous BMI Values into 3-Level Factor
bmi4 Convert Continuous BMI Values into 4-Level Factor
cleancut Convert Numeric to Factor with Convenient Interface
clean_glm Create a Clean Summary Table from a glm Object
create_qgroups Create Quantile Groups
create_qgroups_svy Create Quantile Groups (Complex Survey Data)
cut_decreasing Cut with Decreasing Factor Levels
dots_bars Plot Points +/- Error Bars
dvmisc Convenience Functions, Moving Window Statistics, and Graphics
expand_grid Similar to expand.grid but with Sequences Reversed and Ability to Treat Variables as Sets
gammareg Constant-Scale Gamma Model for Y vs. Covariates with Y Potentially Subject to Multiplicative Lognormal Errors
get_mse Extract Mean Squared Error (MSE) from Fitted Regression Model
headtail Return the First and Last Part of an Object
histo Histogram with Added Options
inside Check Whether Numeric Value Falls Inside Two Other Numeric Values
interval_groups Split Continuous Variable into Equal-Width Groups
iterate Iterate Function Over All Combinations of User-Specified Inputs, Potentially Multiple Times
list_override Add Elements of Second List to First List, Replacing Elements with Same Name
logit_prob Convert Logit to Probability
lognormalreg Linear Regression of log(Y) vs. Covariates with Y Potentially Subject to Multiplicative Lognormal Errors
logodds_graph Graph Log-Odds of Binary Variable Across A Grouping Variable
max_n Maximum of Numeric Values
means_graph Graph Means Across a Grouping Variable
mean_i Mean of Integer Values
min_n Minimum of Numeric Values
mle_gamma Maximum Likelihood Estimation for X[1], ..., X[n] ~ Gamma(alpha, beta)
mle_gamma_lnorm Maximum Likelihood Estimation for X[1], ..., X[n] ~ Gamma(alpha, beta) Lognormal(mu, sigsq)
mle_lnorm Maximum Likelihood Estimation for X[1], ..., X[n] ~ Lognormal(mu, sigsq)
mle_lnorm_lnorm Maximum Likelihood Estimation for X[1], ..., X[n] ~ Lognormal(mu1, sigsq1) Lognormal(mu2, sigsq2)
moving_mean Moving Averages
n_2t_equal Calculate Per-Group Sample Size for Two-Sample Equal Variance T-Test
n_2t_unequal Calculate Per-Group Sample Size for Two-Sample Unequal Variance T-Test
odds_prob Convert Odds to Probability
plot_ll Plot Log-Likelihood vs. Values of One Parameter
pooled_var Pooled Sample Variance
power_2t_equal Calculate Power for Two-Sample Equal Variance T-Test
power_2t_unequal Calculate Power for Two-Sample Unequal Variance T-Test
prob_logit Convert Probability to Logit
prob_odds Convert Probability to Odds
quant_groups Split Continuous Variable into Quantile Groups
quant_groups_svy Split Continuous Variable into Quantile Groups (Survey Version)
reverse_cut Reverse Cut
sliding_cor Moving Correlations as Short Vector Slides Across Long Vector
sliding_cov Moving Covariance as Short Vector Slides Across Long Vector
sumsim Summarize Simulation Results
sum_i Sum of Integer Values
trim Trim Tail Values off of a Vector
truerange Range of a Vector (Not Min/Max!)
which.max2 Return Index of (First) Maximum of a Vector
which.min2 Return Index of (First) Minimum of a Vector
which_max_im Return (Row, Column) Index of (First) Maximum of an Integer Matrix
which_max_iv Return Index of (First) Maximum of an Integer Vector
which_max_nm Return (Row, Column) Index of (First) Maximum of a Numeric Matrix
which_max_nv Return Index of (First) Maximum of a Numeric Vector
which_min_im Return (Row, Column) Index of (First) Minimum of an Integer Matrix
which_min_iv Return Index of (First) Minimum of an Integer Vector
which_min_nm Return (Row, Column) Index of (First) Minimum of a Numeric Matrix
which_min_nv Return Index of (First) Minimum of a Numeric Vector