histo {dvmisc}R Documentation

Histogram with Added Options


Similar to base R function hist, but with two added features: (1) Can overlay one or more fitted probability density/mass functions (PDFs/PMFs) for any univariate distribution supported in R (see Distributions); and (2) Can generate more of a barplot type histogram, where each possible value gets its own bin centered over its value (useful for discrete variables with not too many possible values).


histo(x, dis = "none", dis_shift = NULL, integer_breaks = NULL,
  colors = rep("black", length(dis)), lty = 1:length(dis),
  legend_form = ifelse(length(dis) == 1, 0, 1), aic_decimals = 1,
  points_list = NULL, axis_list = NULL, legend_list = NULL, ...)



Numeric vector of values.


Character vector indicating which distributions should be used to add fitted PDF/PMF to the histogram. If not "none", choices for each element are:


"binom" (must specify size)







"hyper" (must specify total number of balls in urn, N, and number of balls drawn each time, k)


"nbinom" (must specify size)







Numeric value for shifting the fitted PDF/PMF along the x-axis of the histogram.


If TRUE, integers covering the range of x are used for breaks, so there is one bin for each integer. Useful for discrete distributions that don't take on too many unique values.


Character vector of colors for each PDF/PMF.


Integer vector specifying line types for each curve.


Integer value controlling what type of legend to include. Choices are 0 for no legend, 1 for legend naming each distribution, and 2 for legend naming each distribution and the corresponding AIC.


Integer value for number of decimals for AIC.


Optional list of inputs to pass to points function, which is used to add the fitted PDF/PMF.


Optional list of inputs to pass to axis.


Optional list of inputs to pass to legend.


May include arguments to pass to hist and/or parameter values needed for certain distributions (size if dis = "binom" or dis = "nbinom", N and k if dis = "hyper").


When x takes on whole numbers, you typically want to set dis_shift = -0.5 if right = TRUE (hist's default) and dis_shift = 0.5 if right = FALSE. The function will do this internally by default.

To illustrate, suppose a particular bin represents (7, 10]. Its midpoint will be at x = 8.5 on the graph. But if input values are whole numbers, this bin really only includes values of 8, 9, and 10, which have a mean of 9. So you really want f(9) to appear at x = 8.5. This requires shifting the curve to the left 0.5 units, i.e. setting dis_shift = -0.5.

When x takes on whole numbers with not too many unique values, you may want the histogram to show one bin for each integer. You can do this by setting integer_breaks = TRUE. By default, the function sets integer_breaks = TRUE if x contains whole numbers with 10 or fewer unique values.


Histogram with fitted PDFs/PMFs if requested.


# Sample 10,000 Poisson(2) values and commpare default hist vs. histo
x <- rpois(n = 10000, lambda = 2)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
hist(x, main = "hist function")
histo(x, main = "histo function")

# Sample 10,000 lognormal(0, 0.35) values. Create histogram with curves
# showing fitted lognormal, normal, and Gamma PDFs.
x <- rlnorm(n = 10000, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 0.35)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
histo(x, c("lnorm", "norm", "gamma"), main = "X ~ Lognormal(0, 0.35)")

# Generate 10,000 Binomial(8, 0.25) values. Create histogram, specifying
# size = 5, with blue line/points showing fitted PMF.
x <- rbinom(n = 10000, size = 5, prob = 0.25)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
histo(x, dis = "binom", size = 5, colors = "blue", 
      points_list = list(type = "b"))

[Package dvmisc version 1.1.4 Index]