dots_bars {dvmisc}R Documentation

Plot Points +/- Error Bars


Creates plot showing user-specified points (e.g. means, medians, regression coefficients) along with user-specified error bars (e.g. standard deviations, min/max, 95% confidence intervals).


dots_bars(y = NULL, bars = NULL, bars.lower = y - bars,
  bars.upper = y + bars, truth = NULL, group.labels = NULL,
  group.dividers = TRUE, subgroup.spacing = 1,
  subgroup.labels = NULL, subgroup.pch = NULL, subgroup.col = NULL,
  points.list = NULL, arrows.list = NULL, xaxis.list = NULL,
  yaxis.list = xaxis.list, abline.dividers.list = NULL,
  abline.truth.list = NULL, legend.list = NULL, ...)



Numeric vector of y-values for different groups, or numeric matrix where each column contains y-values for clustered subgroups within a group.


Numeric vector or matrix (matching whichever type y is) specifying the length of the error bar for each group/subgroup (i.e. distance from point to one end of error bar).


Numeric vector or matrix (matching whichever type y is) specifying the position of the lower end of the error bar for each group/subgroup.


Numeric vector or matrix (matching whichever type y is) specifying the position of the upper end of the error bar for each group/subgroup.


Numeric value specifying true value of parameter being estimated. If specified, a horizontal reference line is added to the plot.


Character vector of labels for the groups.


Logical value for whether to add vertical lines distinguishing the groups.


Numeric value controlling the amount of spacing between subgroups, with values > 1 corresponding to more spacing.


Character vector giving labels for the subgroups.


Plotting symbol for different subgroups within each group.


Plotting color for different subgroups within each group.


Optional list of inputs to pass to points.


Optional list of inputs to pass to arrows.


Optional list of inputs to pass to axis for x-axis.


Optional list of inputs to pass to axis for y-axis.


Optional list of inputs to pass to abline for group dividers. Only used if group.dividers = TRUE.


Optional list of inputs to pass to abline for horizontal line at true value of parameter. Only used if truth is specified.


Optional list of inputs to pass to legend.


Additional arguments to pass to plot function.


Plot showing points +/- error bars across groups/subgroups.


# Generate 100 values from normal distributions with different means, and 
# graph mean +/- standard deviation across groups 
dat <- cbind(rnorm(100, 2), rnorm(100, 2.5), rnorm(100, 1.75))
means <- apply(dat, 2, mean)
sds <- apply(dat, 2, sd)
fig1 <- dots_bars(y = means, bars = sds, main = "Mean +/- SD by Group",
                  ylab = "Mean +/- SD")
# Simulate BMI values for males and females in 3 different age groups, and 
# graph mean +/- 95% CI
sex <- as.factor(c(rep("Male", 300), rep("Female", 300)))
age <- as.factor(rep(c("Young", "Middle", "Old"), 2))
bmi <- c(rnorm(100, 25, 4), rnorm(100, 26, 4.25), rnorm(100, 27, 4.5),
         rnorm(100, 26.5, 4.5), rnorm(100, 27.25, 4.75), rnorm(100, 28, 5))
dat <- data.frame(sex = sex, age = age, bmi = bmi)
means <- tapply(dat$bmi, dat[, c("sex", "age")], mean)
ci.lower <- tapply(dat$bmi, dat[, c("sex", "age")],
                   function(x) t.test(x)$[1])
ci.upper <- tapply(dat$bmi, dat[, c("sex", "age")],
                   function(x) t.test(x)$[2])
fig2 <- dots_bars(y = means, bars.lower = ci.lower, bars.upper = ci.upper,
                  main = "BMI by Sex and Age",
                  ylab = "BMI (mean +/- CI)",
                  xlab = "Age group")

[Package dvmisc version 1.1.4 Index]