across | Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns |
add_count | Count the observations in each group |
add_tally | Count the observations in each group |
all_vars | Apply predicate to all variables |
anti_join | Filtering joins |
anti_join.data.frame | Filtering joins |
any_vars | Apply predicate to all variables |
arrange | Order rows using column values |
arrange.data.frame | Order rows using column values |
auto_copy | Copy tables to same source, if necessary |
band_instruments | Band membership |
band_instruments2 | Band membership |
band_members | Band membership |
between | Detect where values fall in a specified range |
bind | Bind multiple data frames by row |
bind_cols | Bind multiple data frames by column |
bind_rows | Bind multiple data frames by row |
case_match | A general vectorised 'switch()' |
case_when | A general vectorised if-else |
closest | Join specifications |
coalesce | Find the first non-missing element |
collapse | Force computation of a database query |
collect | Force computation of a database query |
compute | Force computation of a database query |
consecutive_id | Generate a unique identifier for consecutive combinations |
context | Information about the "current" group or variable |
copy_to | Copy a local data frame to a remote src |
count | Count the observations in each group |
count.data.frame | Count the observations in each group |
cross_join | Cross join |
cumall | Cumulativate versions of any, all, and mean |
cumany | Cumulativate versions of any, all, and mean |
cume_dist | Proportional ranking functions |
cummean | Cumulativate versions of any, all, and mean |
cur_column | Information about the "current" group or variable |
cur_group | Information about the "current" group or variable |
cur_group_id | Information about the "current" group or variable |
cur_group_rows | Information about the "current" group or variable |
c_across | Combine values from multiple columns |
dense_rank | Integer ranking functions |
desc | Descending order |
distinct | Keep distinct/unique rows |
dplyr_by | Per-operation grouping with '.by'/'by' |
explain | Explain details of a tbl |
filter | Keep rows that match a condition |
filter-joins | Filtering joins |
first | Extract the first, last, or nth value from a vector |
full_join | Mutating joins |
full_join.data.frame | Mutating joins |
glimpse | Get a glimpse of your data |
group_by | Group by one or more variables |
group_cols | Select grouping variables |
group_map | Apply a function to each group |
group_modify | Apply a function to each group |
group_trim | Trim grouping structure |
group_walk | Apply a function to each group |
ident | Flag a character vector as SQL identifiers |
if_all | Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns |
if_any | Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns |
if_else | Vectorised if-else |
inner_join | Mutating joins |
inner_join.data.frame | Mutating joins |
intersect | Set operations |
is.tbl | Create a table from a data source |
join | Mutating joins |
join.data.frame | Mutating joins |
join_by | Join specifications |
lag | Compute lagged or leading values |
last | Extract the first, last, or nth value from a vector |
lead | Compute lagged or leading values |
lead-lag | Compute lagged or leading values |
left_join | Mutating joins |
left_join.data.frame | Mutating joins |
min_rank | Integer ranking functions |
mutate | Create, modify, and delete columns |
mutate-joins | Mutating joins |
mutate.data.frame | Create, modify, and delete columns |
n | Information about the "current" group or variable |
na_if | Convert values to 'NA' |
near | Compare two numeric vectors |
nest_join | Nest join |
nest_join.data.frame | Nest join |
nth | Extract the first, last, or nth value from a vector |
ntile | Bucket a numeric vector into 'n' groups |
n_distinct | Count unique combinations |
order_by | A helper function for ordering window function output |
overlaps | Join specifications |
percent_rank | Proportional ranking functions |
pick | Select a subset of columns |
pull | Extract a single column |
recode | Recode values |
recode_factor | Recode values |
reframe | Transform each group to an arbitrary number of rows |
relocate | Change column order |
rename | Rename columns |
rename_with | Rename columns |
right_join | Mutating joins |
right_join.data.frame | Mutating joins |
rows | Manipulate individual rows |
rows_append | Manipulate individual rows |
rows_delete | Manipulate individual rows |
rows_insert | Manipulate individual rows |
rows_patch | Manipulate individual rows |
rows_update | Manipulate individual rows |
rows_upsert | Manipulate individual rows |
rowwise | Group input by rows |
row_number | Integer ranking functions |
scoped | Operate on a selection of variables |
select | Keep or drop columns using their names and types |
semi_join | Filtering joins |
semi_join.data.frame | Filtering joins |
setdiff | Set operations |
setequal | Set operations |
setops | Set operations |
show_query | Explain details of a tbl |
slice | Subset rows using their positions |
slice_head | Subset rows using their positions |
slice_max | Subset rows using their positions |
slice_min | Subset rows using their positions |
slice_sample | Subset rows using their positions |
slice_tail | Subset rows using their positions |
sql | SQL escaping. |
starwars | Starwars characters |
storms | Storm tracks data |
summarise | Summarise each group down to one row |
summarize | Summarise each group down to one row |
symdiff | Set operations |
tally | Count the observations in each group |
tbl | Create a table from a data source |
ungroup | Group by one or more variables |
union | Set operations |
union_all | Set operations |
vars | Select variables |
within | Join specifications |