crosspred {dlnm} | R Documentation |
Generate Predictions for a DLNM
The function generates predictions from distributed lag linear (DLMs) and non-linear models (DLNMs). These are interpreted as estimated associations defined on a grid of values of the original predictor and lags, computed versus a reference predictor value. This function can be used more generally to generate predictions and facilitate interpretation for uni-dimensional unlagged models.
crosspred(basis, model=NULL, coef=NULL, vcov=NULL,, at=NULL,
from=NULL, to=NULL, by=NULL, lag, bylag=1, cen=NULL, ci.level=0.95,
## S3 method for class 'crosspred'
summary(object, ...)
basis |
usually an object of class |
model |
a model object for which the prediction is desired. See Details below. |
coef , vcov , |
user-provided coefficients, (co)variance matrix and model link for the prediction. See Details below. |
at |
either a numeric vector representing the values of a constant exposure throughout the lag period defined by |
from , to |
range of predictor values used for prediction. |
lag |
either an integer scalar or vector of length 2, defining the lag range used for prediction. Defalut to values used for estimation. |
by , bylag |
increment of the sequences of predictor and lag values used for prediction. |
cen |
logical or a numeric scalar. It specifies the centering value, then used as a reference for predictions. See Details below. |
ci.level |
confidence level for the computation of confidence intervals. |
cumul |
logical. If |
object |
an object of class |
... |
additional arguments to be passed to |
is the model object including basis
in its formula. basis
is usually an object representing the cross-basis or basis matrix included in model
, preserving its attributes and class. Alternatively, for penalized models fitted with gam
, basis
can be a character string identifying the first argument of s
in the model formula (see the cb smooth constructor
). Examples are provided below in the related section.
The function computes predictions for specific combinations of predictor and lag values, and the net overall predictions accounting for the whole lag period. By default, predictor values are set internally as approximately 50 equally-spaced points within the range, or alternatively directly defined through at
or from
. Lag values are are set by default at all the integer values within the lag period, or determined by lag
and bylag
The values in at
can be provided as a vector, and in this case they are replicated for each lag. As an alternative usage, at
can be provided as a matrix of complete exposure histories over the same lag period used for estimation, in order to compute the association with a specific exposure pattern (see also exphist
Predictions are computed versus a reference value, with default values dependent on the function used in basis
, or manually set through cen
. Briefly, sensible default values are automatically defined for strata
, thr
and integer
(corresponding to the reference region), and for lin
(corresponding to 0). For other choices, such as ns
, bs
, poly
or other existing or user-defined functions, the centering value is set by default to the mid-range. The inclusion of the intercept in basis
term nullifies the centering.
Exponentiated predictions are included if
is equal to "log"
or "logit"
. Confidence intervals computed using a normal approximation and a confidence level of ci.level
is automatically selected from model
for some classes when set to NULL
(default), but needs to be provided for different classes. Matrices with incremental cumulative predicted associations along integer lags at each exposure values used for prediction are included if cumul=TRUE
The function automatically works with model objects from regression function lm
and glm
, gam
(package mgcv), coxph
and clogit
(package survival), lme
and nlme
(package nlme), lmer
and glmer
and nlmer
(package lme4), gee
(package gee), geeglm
(package geepack). The function also works with any regression function for which coef
and vcov
methods are available. Otherwise, the user needs to input the coefficients and associated (co)variance matrix related to the parameters of the crossbasis as arguments coef
and vcov
, and information on the link function in
. In this case, dimensions and order must match the variables included in basis
The function can be used to compute predictions for models with simple uni-dimensional basis functions not including lag, derived either with onebasis
or with smooth penalized functions in gam
. In this case, only unlagged predicted associations are returned.
A list object of class "crosspred"
with the following (optional) components:
predvar |
vector or matrix of values used for prediction, depending on the format of the argument |
cen |
(optional) numeric scalar defining the centering value. |
lag |
integer vector defining the lag range used for prediction. |
bylag |
increment of the sequence of lag values. |
coefficients , vcov |
coefficients and their variance-covariance matrix. |
matfit , matse |
matrices of predictions and standard errors at the chosen combinations of predictor and lag values. |
matlow , mathigh |
matrices of confidence intervals for |
allfit , allse |
vectors of the overall cumulative predicted association and standard errors. |
alllow , allhigh |
vectors of confidence intervals for |
cumfit , cumse |
matrices of incremental cumulative predicted associations along lags and related standard errors at the chosen combinations of predictor and (integer) lag values. Computed if |
cumlow , cumhigh |
matrices of confidence intervals for |
matRRfit |
matrix of exponentiated specific associations from |
matRRlow , matRRhigh |
matrices of confidence intervals for |
allRRfit |
vector of exponentiated overall cumulative associations from |
allRRlow , allRRhigh |
vectors of confidence intervals for |
cumRRfit |
matrix of exponentiated incremental cumulative associations from |
cumRRlow , cumRRhigh |
matrix of confidence intervals for . Computed if |
ci.level |
confidence level used for the computation of confidence intervals for |
model.class |
class of the model command used for estimation. | |
a specification for the model link function. |
The function summary.crosspred
returns a summary of the list.
In case of collinear variables in the basis
object, some of them are discarded and the related parameters not included in model
. Then, crosspred
will return an error. Check that the specification of the variables is meaningful through summary.crossbasis
or summary.onebasis
The name of the object basis
will be used to extract the related estimated parameters from model
. If more than one variable is transformed by cross-basis functions in the same model, different names must be specified.
All the predictions are generated using a reference value, which if not directly specific by cen
is given default values corresponding to (approximately) the mid-range point for continuous functions. Before version 2.2.0 of dlnm, centering was produced in onebasis
or crossbasis
(see the related help pages), and for backward compatibility this information is kept (with a warning) and used in crosspred
unless cen
is directly defined as an argument.
Exponentiated predictions are included if
(selected by the user or specified automatically by model
) is equal to "log"
or "logit"
Antonio Gasparrini <>
Gasparrini A. Distributed lag linear and non-linear models in R: the package dlnm. Journal of Statistical Software. 2011;43(8):1-20. [freely available here].
Gasparrini A, Scheipl F, Armstrong B, Kenward MG. A penalized framework for distributed lag non-linear models. Biometrics. 2017;73(3):938-948. [freely available here]
Gasparrini A. Modeling exposure-lag-response associations with distributed lag non-linear models. Statistics in Medicine. 2014;33(5):881-899. [freely available here]
Gasparrini A., Armstrong, B.,Kenward M. G. Distributed lag non-linear models. Statistics in Medicine. 2010;29(21):2224-2234. [freely available here]
See Also
to generate one-dimensional basis matrices. crossbasis
to generate cross-basis matrices. crossreduce
to reduce the fit to one dimension.
The method function plot
to plot several type of graphs.
See dlnm-package
for an introduction to the package and for links to package vignettes providing more detailed information.
### example of application in time series analysis - see vignette("dlnmTS")
# seasonal analysis: select summer months only
chicagoNMMAPSseas <- subset(chicagoNMMAPS, month>5 & month<10)
# create the crossbasis objects, including info on groups
cb2.o3 <- crossbasis(chicagoNMMAPSseas$o3, lag=5,
argvar=list(fun="thr",thr=40.3), arglag=list(fun="integer"),
cb2.temp <- crossbasis(chicagoNMMAPSseas$temp, lag=10,
argvar=list(fun="thr",thr=c(15,25)), arglag=list(fun="strata",breaks=c(2,6)),
# run the model
model2 <- glm(death ~ cb2.o3 + cb2.temp + ns(doy, 4) + ns(time,3) + dow,
family=quasipoisson(), chicagoNMMAPSseas)
# get the predictions for o3 at specific exposure values
pred2.o3 <- crosspred(cb2.o3, model2, at=c(0:65,40.3,50.3))
# get figures for the overall cumulative association, with ci
cbind(pred2.o3$allRRlow, pred2.o3$allRRhigh)["50.3",]
# plot the estimated lag-response curve (with 80%CI)
plot(pred2.o3, "slices", var=50.3, ci="bars", type="p", col=2, pch=19,
ci.level=0.80, main="Lag-response a 10-unit increase above threshold (80CI)")
# plot the estimated overall cumulative exposure-response curve
plot(pred2.o3,"overall",xlab="Ozone", ci="l", col=3, ylim=c(0.9,1.3), lwd=2,
ci.arg=list(col=1,lty=3), main="Overall cumulative association for 5 lags")
# plot the estimated exposure-lag-response surface
plot(pred2.o3, xlab="Ozone", main="3D: default perspective")
plot(pred2.o3, xlab="Ozone", main="3D: different perspective", theta=250, phi=40)
### example of application beyond time series - see vignette("dlnmExtended")
# generate the matrix of exposure histories from the weekly data
Qdrug <- as.matrix(drug[,rep(7:4, each=7)])
colnames(Qdrug) <- paste("lag", 0:27, sep="")
# define the cross-basis
cbdrug <- crossbasis(Qdrug, lag=27, argvar=list("lin"),
# run the model, predict, and show estimates for specific values
mdrug <- lm(out~cbdrug+sex, drug)
pdrug <- crosspred(cbdrug, mdrug, at=0:20*5)
# bi-dimensional exposure-lag-response association
plot(pdrug, zlab="Effect", xlab="Dose", ylab="Lag (days)")
plot(pdrug, var=60, ylab="Effect at dose 60", xlab="Lag (days)", ylim=c(-1,5))
plot(pdrug, lag=10, ylab="Effect at lag 10", xlab="Dose", ylim=c(-1,5))
### example of extended predictions - see vignette("dlnmExtended")
# dose 20 for 10 days
histdrug <- exphist(rep(20,10), time=10, lag=27)
pdrug4 <- crosspred(cbdrug, mdrug, at=histdrug)
# define exposure profile with weekly exposures to 10, 50, 0 and 20
expdrug <- rep(c(10,50,0,20),c(2,1,1,2)*7)
# define the exposure histories for all the time points
dynhist <- exphist(expdrug, lag=27)
# predict the effects
pdyndrug <- crosspred(cbdrug, mdrug, at=dynhist)
# plot of the evolution of the effects along time given the doses
plot(pdyndrug,"overall", ylab="Effect", xlab="Time (days)", ylim=c(-5,27),
### example of user-defined functions - see vignette("dlnmExtended")
# define the decay function
fdecay <- function(x, scale=5, ...) {
basis <- exp(-x/scale)
attributes(basis)$scale <- scale
# define the cross-basis
cbdrug2 <- crossbasis(Qdrug, lag=27, argvar=list("lin"),
# run the model and predict
mdrug2 <- lm(out~cbdrug2+sex, drug)
pdrug2 <- crosspred(cbdrug2, mdrug2, at=0:20*5)
# plot and compare with previous fit
plot(pdrug2, zlab="Effect", xlab="Dose", ylab="Lag (days)")
plot(pdrug2, var=60, ylab="Effect at dose 60", xlab="Lag (days)", ylim=c(-1,5))
lines(pdrug, var=60, lty=2)
plot(pdrug2, lag=10, ylab="Effect at lag 10", xlab="Dose", ylim=c(-1,5))
lines(pdrug, lag=10, lty=2)
### example of general use for regression models - see vignette("dlnmExtended")
# replicate example illustrated in help(ns)
oneheight <- onebasis(women$height, "ns", df=5)
mwomen <- lm(weight ~ oneheight, data=women)
pwomen <- crosspred(oneheight, mwomen, cen=65, at=58:72)
with(pwomen, cbind(allfit, alllow, allhigh)["70",])
plot(pwomen, ci="l", ylab="Weight (lb) difference", xlab="Height (in)", col=4)
# replicate example illustrated in help(gam)
dat <- gamSim(1,n=200,dist="poisson",scale=.1)
b2 <- gam(y ~ s(x0,bs="cr") + s(x1,bs="cr") + s(x2,bs="cr") + s(x3,bs="cr"),
family=poisson, data=dat, method="REML")
plot(b2, select=3)
pgam <- crosspred("x2", b2, cen=0, at=0:100/100)
with(pgam, cbind(allRRfit, allRRlow, allRRhigh)["0.7",])
plot(pgam, ylim=c(0,3), ylab="RR", xlab="x2", col=2)
### example of penalized models - see vignette("dlnmPenalized")
# to be added soon