Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models

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Documentation for package ‘dlnm’ version 2.4.7

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dlnm-package Distributed Lag Non-linear Models (DLNM)
cbPen Generate Penalty Matrices for a DLNM
chicagoNMMAPS Daily Mortality Weather and Pollution Data for Chicago
coef.crosspred Model Coefficients and their (Co)Variance Matrix of a DLNM
coef.crossreduce Model Coefficients and their (Co)Variance Matrix of a DLNM
cr Generate a Basis Matrix for Penalized Cubic Regression Splines
crossbasis Generate a Cross-Basis Matrix for a DLNM
crossplot Plot Predictions for a DLNM
crosspred Generate Predictions for a DLNM
crossreduce Reduce the Fit of a DLNM to One-Dimensional Summaries
dlnm Distributed Lag Non-linear Models (DLNM)
drug A Trial on the Effect of Time-Varying Doses of a Drug
equalknots Define Knots at Equally-Spaced Values
exphist Define Exposure Histories from an Exposure Profile
integer Generate a Basis Matrix of Indicator Variables for Integer Values
lin Generate a Basis Matrix with a Variable as Linear
lines.crosspred Plot Predictions for a DLNM
lines.crossreduce Plot Predictions for a Reduced DLNM
logknots Define Knots for Lag Space at Equally-Spaced Log-Values
mkbasis Generate a Basis Matrix for Different Functions
mklagbasis Generate a Basis Matrix for Different Functions
nested Nested Case-Control Study with a Time-Varying Exposure and a Cancer Outcome
onebasis Generate a Basis Matrix for Different Functions
plot.crosspred Plot Predictions for a DLNM
plot.crossreduce Plot Predictions for a Reduced DLNM
points.crosspred Plot Predictions for a DLNM
points.crossreduce Plot Predictions for a Reduced DLNM
poly Generate a Basis Matrix of Polynomials
Predict.matrix.cb.smooth Cross-Basis Spline Smooths for a DLNM
ps Generate a Basis Matrix for P-Splines
smooth.construct.cb.smooth.spec Cross-Basis Spline Smooths for a DLNM
strata Generate a Basis Matrix of Indicator Variables
summary.crossbasis Generate a Cross-Basis Matrix for a DLNM
summary.crosspred Generate Predictions for a DLNM
summary.crossreduce Reduce the Fit of a DLNM to One-Dimensional Summaries
summary.onebasis Generate a Basis Matrix for Different Functions
thr Generate a Basis Matrix of Linear Threshold Transformations
vcov.crosspred Model Coefficients and their (Co)Variance Matrix of a DLNM
vcov.crossreduce Model Coefficients and their (Co)Variance Matrix of a DLNM