A B C D E F G L O P R S T misc
diveMove-package | Dive Analysis and Calibration |
as.data.frame-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
as.TDRspeed | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
as.TDRspeed-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
austFilter | Filter satellite locations |
bec | Calculate bout ending criteria from model coefficients |
bec-method | Calculate bout ending criteria from model coefficients |
boutfreqs | Histogram of log-transformed frequencies |
boutinit | Fit "broken stick" model to log frequency data for identification of bouts of behaviour |
boutinit-method | Fit "broken stick" model to log frequency data for identification of bouts of behaviour |
Bouts | Class "Bouts" for representing Poisson mixtures for identification of behavioural bouts |
Bouts-class | Class "Bouts" for representing Poisson mixtures for identification of behavioural bouts |
boutsCDF | Estimated cumulative frequency for two- or three-process Poisson mixture models |
boutsNLSll | Generalized log likelihood function taking any number of Poisson processes in a "broken-stick" model |
boutsNLSll-method | Generalized log likelihood function taking any number of Poisson processes in a "broken-stick" model |
calibrateDepth | Calibrate Depth and Generate a "TDRcalibrate" object |
calibrateSpeed | Calibrate and build a "TDRcalibrate" object |
ccData<- | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
ccData<--method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
coerce-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
createTDR | Read comma-delimited file with "TDR" data |
depth<- | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
depth<--method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
distSpeed | Calculate distance and speed between locations |
diveModel | Class "diveModel" for representing a model for identifying dive phases |
diveModel-class | Class "diveModel" for representing a model for identifying dive phases |
diveMove | Dive Analysis and Calibration |
dives | Sample of TDR data from a fur seal |
diveStats | Per-dive statistics |
divesTDR | Sample of TDR data from a fur seal |
divesTDRzoc | Sample of TDR data from a fur seal |
extractDive | Extract Dives from "TDR" or "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
extractDive-method | Extract Dives from "TDR" or "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
fitMLEbouts | Maximum Likelihood Model of mixtures of 2 or 3 Poisson Processes |
fitMLEbouts-method | Maximum Likelihood Model of mixtures of 2 or 3 Poisson Processes |
fitNLSbouts | Fit mixture of Poisson Processes to Log Frequency data via Non-linear Least Squares regression |
fitNLSbouts-method | Fit mixture of Poisson Processes to Log Frequency data via Non-linear Least Squares regression |
getCCData | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getCCData-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getDAct | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getDAct-method | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getDepth | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getDepth-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getDiveDeriv | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getDiveDeriv-method | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getDiveModel | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getDiveModel-method | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getDPhaseLab | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getDPhaseLab-method | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getDtime | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getDtime-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getFileName | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getFileName-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getGAct | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getGAct-method | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getSpeed | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getSpeed-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getSpeedCoef | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getSpeedCoef-method | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getTDR | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getTDR-method | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
getTime | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
getTime-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
grpSpeedFilter | Filter satellite locations |
labelBouts | Label each vector element or matrix row with bout membership number |
labelBouts-method | Label each vector element or matrix row with bout membership number |
oneDiveStats | Per-dive statistics |
plotBouts | Plot fitted Poisson mixture model and data |
plotBouts-method | Plot fitted Poisson mixture model and data |
plotBoutsCDF | Plot empirical and deterministic cumulative frequency distribution Poisson mixture data and model |
plotBoutsCDF-method | Plot empirical and deterministic cumulative frequency distribution Poisson mixture data and model |
plotDiveModel | Methods for plotting models of dive phases |
plotDiveModel-method | Methods for plotting models of dive phases |
plotTDR | Methods for plotting objects of class "TDR" and "TDRcalibrate" |
plotTDR-method | Methods for plotting objects of class "TDR" and "TDRcalibrate" |
plotZOC | Methods for visually assessing results of ZOC procedure |
plotZOC-method | Methods for visually assessing results of ZOC procedure |
readLocs | Read comma-delimited file with location data |
readTDR | Read comma-delimited file with "TDR" data |
rmixexp | Generate samples from a mixture of exponential distributions |
rmsDistFilter | Filter satellite locations |
rqPlot | Plot of quantile regression for speed calibrations |
sealLocs | Ringed and Gray Seal ARGOS Satellite Location Data |
show-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
show-method | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
speed<- | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
speed<--method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
stampDive | Per-dive statistics |
TDR | Classes "TDR" and "TDRspeed" for representing TDR information |
TDR-accessors | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
TDR-class | Classes "TDR" and "TDRspeed" for representing TDR information |
TDR-methods | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |
TDRcalibrate | Class "TDRcalibrate" for dive analysis |
TDRcalibrate-accessors | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
TDRcalibrate-class | Class "TDRcalibrate" for dive analysis |
TDRcalibrate-methods | Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects |
TDRspeed | Classes "TDR" and "TDRspeed" for representing TDR information |
TDRspeed-class | Classes "TDR" and "TDRspeed" for representing TDR information |
timeBudget | Describe the Time Budget of Major Activities from "TDRcalibrate" object. |
timeBudget-method | Describe the Time Budget of Major Activities from "TDRcalibrate" object. |
.runquantile | Quantile of Moving Window |
[-method | Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects |