boutinit,data.frame-method {diveMove}R Documentation

Fit "broken stick" model to log frequency data for identification of bouts of behaviour


Fits "broken stick" model to the log frequencies modelled as a function of x (well, the midpoints of the binned data), using chosen value(s) to separate the two or three processes.


## S4 method for signature 'data.frame'
boutinit(obj, x.break, plot = TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'Bouts'
boutinit(obj, x.break, plot = TRUE, ...)



Object of class Bouts or data.frame.


Numeric vector of length 1 or 2 with x value(s) defining the break(s) point(s) for broken stick model, such that x < x.break[1] is 1st process, and x >= x.break[1] & x < x.break[2] is 2nd one, and x >= x.break[2] is 3rd one.


logical, whether to plot results or not.


arguments passed to plot (must exclude type).


(2,N) matrix with as many columns as the number of processes implied by x.break (i.e. length(x.break) + 1). Rows are named a and lambda, corresponding to starting values derived from broken stick model. A plot is produced as a side effect if argument plot is TRUE.

Methods (by class)


Sebastian P. Luque


## 2-process
utils::example("rmixexp", package="diveMove", ask=FALSE)
## 'rndproc2' is a random sample vector from the example
xbouts2 <- boutfreqs(rndprocs2, 5)  # Bouts class result
(startval2 <- boutinit(xbouts2, 80))

## 3-process
## 'rndproc3' is a random sample vector from the example
xbouts3 <- boutfreqs(rndprocs3, 5)
(startval3 <- boutinit(xbouts3, c(75, 220)))

[Package diveMove version 1.6.2 Index]