A B C D E F G H I L M N P R S T U misc
AbstractMap | Abstract Map to store key-value pairs |
AbstractQueue | Defines abstract queue class |
actionButtonStyled | Action Button but with customized styles |
add_to_session | Store/Get key-value pairs in 'shiny' session |
as.character.sexp_type2 | Get Internal Storage Type |
as.list.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
as.list.fastqueue2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastqueue' |
ask_or_default | Read a Line from the Terminal, but with Default Values |
ask_yesno | Ask and Return True or False from the Terminal |
async | Evaluate expression in 'async_expr' |
async_expr | Apply R expressions in a parallel way |
async_flapply | Wrapper for 'future.apply::future_lapply' |
async_works | Run jobs in other R sessions without waiting |
as_pipe | Convert functions to pipe-friendly functions |
attached_packages | Get attached package names in current session (Internally used) |
base64-url | Encode or decode 'base64' |
base64_to_image | Save "Base64" Data to Images |
base64_to_string | Convert "Base64" Data to String |
base64_urldecode | Encode or decode 'base64' |
base64_urlencode | Encode or decode 'base64' |
baseline_array | Calculate Contrasts of Arrays in Different Methods |
capture_expr | Captures Evaluation Output of Expressions as One Single String |
cat2 | Color Output |
check_installed_packages | Check If Packages Are Installed, Returns Missing Packages |
clear_env | Function to clear all elements within environment |
close_alert2 | Simple shiny alert that uses 'JavaScript' promises |
col2hexStr | Convert color to Hex string |
collapse | Collapse Sensors And Calculate Summations/Mean |
combine_html_class | Combine, add, or remove 'HTML' classes |
compoundInput2 | Compound input that combines and extends shiny inputs |
decorate_function | Python-style decorator |
deparse_svec | Convert Integer Vectors To String |
dev_create | Create a group of named graphic devices |
digest2 | Digest R object with source reference removed |
dipsaus-defunct | Defunct Functions in Package 'dipsaus' The functions or variables listed here are no longer part of the package. |
dipsaus-rstudio-shortcuts | Register customized R code to 'RStudio' shortcuts |
dipsaus_lock | Create or Unlock a Lock |
dipsaus_resetlocks | Create or Unlock a Lock |
dipsaus_unlock | Create or Unlock a Lock |
do_aggregate | Make aggregate pipe-friendly |
do_nothing | A dummy function that literally does nothing |
drop_nulls | Drop 'NULL' values from list or vectors |
eval_dirty | Evaluate expressions |
fancyFileInput | Shiny drag-and-drop file input |
fastcov2 | Calculate Covariance Matrix in Parallel |
fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
fastquantile | Calculate single quantile for numerical values |
fastqueue2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastqueue' |
flex_div | Generate Shiny element with arrangement automatically |
forelse | Python-style '"for-else"' function |
getInputBinding | Obtain registered input bindings |
get_cpu | Defunct Functions in Package 'dipsaus' The functions or variables listed here are no longer part of the package. |
get_credential | Generate a random password |
get_dev_attr | Create a group of named graphic devices |
get_dots | Get or check elements from dots "..." |
get_ip | Get 'IP' address |
get_os | Detect the type of operating system |
get_ram | Get Memory Size |
graphic-devices | Create a group of named graphic devices |
handler_dipsaus_progress | Progress-bar Handler |
html_asis | Escape HTML strings |
html_class | Combine, add, or remove 'HTML' classes |
iapply | Apply each elements with index as second input |
is_from_namespace | Check whether a function, environment comes from a namespace |
lapply_async2 | Apply, but in parallel |
lapply_callr | Apply function with 'rs_exec' |
length.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
length.fastqueue2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastqueue' |
list_to_fastmap2 | Copy elements to 'fastmap2' |
list_to_fastqueue2 | Copy elements to 'fastqueue2' |
lock | Create or Unlock a Lock |
make_forked_clusters | Create forked clusters, but more than that |
map | Create R object map. |
mask_function2 | Mask a function with given variables |
match_calls | Recursively match calls and modify arguments |
mean_se | Calculates mean and standard error of mean |
mem_limit2 | Get max RAM size This is an experimental function that is designed for non-windows systems |
missing_dots | Get or check elements from dots "..." |
names.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
new_function2 | Create new function that supports 'quasi-quosure' syntax |
no_op | Pipe-friendly no-operation function |
package_installed | Check if a package is installed |
parse_svec | Parse Text Into Numeric Vectors |
PersistContainer | Wrapper to cache key-value pairs and persist across sessions |
print.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
print.fastqueue2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastqueue' |
print.sexp_type2 | Get Internal Storage Type |
print_directory_tree | Print Directory Tree |
progress2 | 'Shiny' progress bar, but can run without reactive context |
rds_map | Create R object map. |
registerInputBinding | Register customized input to enable support by compound input |
remove_html_class | Combine, add, or remove 'HTML' classes |
restart_session | Restart R Session |
rs_active_project | Get 'RStudio' active project |
rs_add_insertion_shortcut | Register customized R code to 'RStudio' shortcuts |
rs_add_shortcut | Register customized R code to 'RStudio' shortcuts |
rs_avail | Verify 'RStudio' version |
rs_edit_file | Use 'RStudio' to open and edit files |
rs_exec | Schedule a Background Job |
rs_focus_console | Focus on 'RStudio' Console |
rs_quick_debug | Register customized R code to 'RStudio' shortcuts |
rs_remove_shortcut | Register customized R code to 'RStudio' shortcuts |
rs_save_all | Save all documents in 'RStudio' |
rs_select_path | Use 'RStudio' to Select a Path on the Server |
rs_set_repos | Add secondary 'CRAN'-like repository to the 'RStudio' settings |
rs_show_shortcut | Register customized R code to 'RStudio' shortcuts |
rs_viewer | Get 'RStudio' Viewer, or Return Default |
screenshot | Take a screenshot in shiny apps |
session_map | Create R object map. |
session_uuid | Provides Unique Session ID According to Current R Session |
set_shiny_input | Set Shiny Input |
sexp_type2 | Get Internal Storage Type |
shared_finalizer | Create Shared Finalization to Avoid Over Garbage Collection |
shared_finalizer.default | Create Shared Finalization to Avoid Over Garbage Collection |
shared_finalizer.fastmap | Create Shared Finalization to Avoid Over Garbage Collection |
shared_finalizer.fastmap2 | Create Shared Finalization to Avoid Over Garbage Collection |
shared_finalizer.R6 | Create Shared Finalization to Avoid Over Garbage Collection |
shift_array | Shift Array by Index |
shiny_alert2 | Simple shiny alert that uses 'JavaScript' promises |
shiny_is_running | Detect whether 'Shiny' is running |
ste_mean | Standard error of mean |
ste_mean.default | Standard error of mean |
sumsquared | Fast Calculation of Sum-squared for Large Matrices/Vectors |
sync_shiny_inputs | Synchronize Shiny Inputs |
test_farg | Test whether function has certain arguments |
text_map | Create R object map. |
time_delta | Calculate time difference and return a number |
to_datauri | Convert file to 'base64' format |
to_ram_size | Convert bytes to KB, MB, GB,... |
updateActionButtonStyled | Update styled action button |
updateCompoundInput2 | Update compound inputs |
update_fastmap2 | Migrate a 'fastmap2' object to a new one |
use_shiny_dipsaus | Set up shiny plugins |
$.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
$<-.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
%+-% | Plus-minus operator |
%<-?% | Right-hand side checked assignment Provides a way to avoid assignment to the left-hand side. If the statement ''value'' is invalid or 'NULL', this function will not assign values and nothing happens. |
%=>% | A JavaScript style of creating functions |
%?<-% | Left-hand side checked assignment Provides a way to assign default values to variables. If the statement ''lhs'' is invalid or 'NULL', this function will try to assign 'value', otherwise nothing happens. |
%D% | Python-style decorator |
%OF% | Get an element with condition that it must be from a list or vector |
[.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
[.fastqueue2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastqueue' |
[<-.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
[[.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |
[[.fastqueue2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastqueue' |
[[<-.fastmap2 | A Wrapper for 'fastmap::fastmap' |