shift_array {dipsaus}R Documentation

Shift Array by Index


Re-arrange arrays in parallel


shift_array(x, shift_idx, shift_by, shift_amount)



array, must have at least matrix


which index is to be shifted


which dimension decides shift_amount


shift amount along shift_idx


A simple use-case for this function is to think of a matrix where each row is a signal and columns stand for time. The objective is to align (time-lock) each signal according to certain events. For each signal, we want to shift the time points by certain amount.

In this case, the shift amount is defined by shift_amount, whose length equals to number of signals. shift_idx=2 as we want to shift time points (column, the second dimension) for each signal. shift_by=1 because the shift amount is depend on the signal number.


x <- matrix(1:10, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
z <- shift_array(x, 2, 1, c(1,2))

y <- NA * x
y[1,1:4] = x[1,2:5]
y[2,1:3] = x[2,3:5]

# Check if z ang y are the same
z - y

# array case
# x is Trial x Frequency x Time
x <- array(1:27, c(3,3,3))

# Shift time for each trial, amount is 1, -1, 0
shift_amount <- c(1,-1,0)
z <- shift_array(x, 3, 1, shift_amount)


par(mfrow = c(3, 2))
for( ii in 1:3 ){
  image(t(x[ii, ,]), ylab = 'Frequency', xlab = 'Time',
        main = paste('Trial', ii))
  image(t(z[ii, ,]), ylab = 'Frequency', xlab = 'Time',
        main = paste('Shifted amount:', shift_amount[ii]))


[Package dipsaus version 0.2.9 Index]