Detect Runs of Homozygosity and Runs of Heterozygosity in Diploid Genomes

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Documentation for package ‘detectRUNS’ version 0.9.6

Help Pages Main function to detect genomic RUNS (ROHom/ROHet) using the consecutive method
consecutiveRunsCpp Function to detect consecutive runs in a vector (individual's genotypes)
createRUNdf Function to create a dataframe of RUNS per individual animal Requires a map file (other filename to read or R object) Parameters on maximum number of missing and opposite genotypes in the run (not the window) are implemented here
findOppositeAndMissing Function to calculate oppositeAndMissingGenotypes array
Froh_inbreeding Function to calculated Froh genome-wide or chromosome-wide
Froh_inbreedingClass Function to calculated Froh using a ROH-class
genoConvertCpp Convert 0/1/2 genotypes to 0/1
heteroZygotTest Function to check whether a window is (loosely) heterozygous or not
heteroZygotTestCpp Function to check whether a window is (loosely) heterozygous or not
homoZygotTest Function to check whether a window is (loosely) homozygous or not
homoZygotTestCpp Function to check whether a window is (loosely) homozygous or not
pedConvertCpp Convert ped genotypes to 0/1
plot_DistributionRuns Plot Distribution of runs
plot_InbreedingChr Plot Froh-based inbreeding coefficients by group
plot_manhattanRuns Plot the proportion of times SNPs are inside runs - MANHATTAN PLOT
plot_PatternRuns Plot sum of run-lengths (or average run-lengths) against the number of runs per individual
plot_Runs Function to plot runs per individual
plot_SnpsInRuns Plot the number of times each SNP falls inside runs
plot_StackedRuns Plot stacked runs
plot_ViolinRuns Violin plot of run length per individual (either sum or mean)
readExternalRuns Read runs from external files
readPOPCpp Function to return a dataframe of population (POP, ID)
reorderDF Function to reorder data frames by CHROMOSOME Main function to detect RUNS (ROHom/ROHet) using sliding windows (a la Plink)
slidingWindow Function to slide a window over a vector (individual's genotypes)
slidingWindowCpp Function to slide a window over a vector (individual's genotypes)
snpInRun Function to return a vector of T/F for whether a SNP is or not in a RUN
snpInRunCpp Function to return a vector of T/F for whether a SNP is or not in a RUN
snpInsideRuns Function to count number of times a SNP is in a RUN
snpInsideRunsCpp Function to count number of times a SNP is in a RUN
summaryRuns Summary statistics on detected runs
tableRuns Function to retrieve most common runs in the population
writeRUN Function to write out RUNS per individual animal