Cramer-von Mises Goodness-of-Fit Tests

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Documentation for package ‘cvmgof’ version 1.0.3

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cvmgof-package cvmgof
acgm.bandwidth.selection.linkfunction Bandwidth selection of the link function under the null hypothesis
acgm.linkfunction.estim Local linear estimation of the regression function
acgm.statistics Local test statistic for the regression function
acgm.test.bootstrap Local test for the regression function
cvmgof cvmgof
df.bandwidth.selection.linkfunction Bandwidth selection of the link function under the null hypothesis
df.cdf.estim Local linear estimation of the conditional distribution function
df.linkfunction.estim Local linear estimation of the regression function
df.statistics Global test statistic for the conditional distribution function
df.test.bootstrap Global test for the conditional distribution function
kernel.function.epan Epanechnikov kernel
kernel.function.gauss Gaussian kernel
kernel.function.quart Quartic kernel
vkgmss.bandwidth.selection.linkfunction Bandwidth selection of the link function under the null hypothesis
vkgmss.linkfunction.estim Kernel estimation of the regression function
vkgmss.residuals.cdf.estim Kernel estimation of the error distribution Kernel estimation of the standard deviation function
vkgmss.statistics Local test statistic for the regression function
vkgmss.test.bootstrap Local test for the regression function