Conditional Graphical LASSO for Gaussian Graphical Models with Censored and Missing Values

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Documentation for package ‘cglasso’ version 2.0.7

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cglasso-package Conditional Graphical LASSO for Gaussian Graphical Models with Censored and Missing Values
AIC Akaike Information Criterion
AIC.cglasso Akaike Information Criterion
BIC Bayesian Information Criterion
BIC.cglasso Bayesian Information Criterion
cggm Post-Hoc Maximum Likelihood Refitting of a Conditional Graphical Lasso
cglasso Conditional Graphical Lasso Estimator
coef Extract Model Coefficients
coef.cglasso Extract Model Coefficients
ColMeans Calculate Column Means and Vars of a "datacggm" Object
colNames Row and Column Names of a "datacggm" Object
colNames<- Row and Column Names of a "datacggm" Object
ColVars Calculate Column Means and Vars of a "datacggm" Object
datacggm Create a Dataset from a Conditional Gaussian Graphical Model with Censored and/or Missing Values
dim Dimensions of a "datacggm" Object
dim.datacggm Dimensions of a "datacggm" Object
dimnames Dimnames of a "datacggm" Object
dimnames.datacggm Dimnames of a "datacggm" Object
dimnames<-.datacggm Dimnames of a "datacggm" Object
event Status Indicator Matrix from a "datacggm" Object
Example Simulated data for the cglasso vignette
fitted Extract Model Fitted Values
fitted.cglasso Extract Model Fitted Values
getGraph Retrieve Graphs from a "cglasso2igraph" Object
getMatrix Retrieve Matrices "Y" and "X" from a "datacggm" Object
hist Histogram for a 'datacggm' Object
hist.datacggm Histogram for a 'datacggm' Object
impute Imputation of Missing and Censored Values
is.cglasso2igraph Is an Object of Class 'cglasso2igraph'?
is.datacggm Is an Object of Class 'datacggm'?
lower Lower and Upper Limits from a "datacggm" Object
MKMEP Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitors
MKMEP.Sim Simulated data for the cglasso vignette
MM The Rule of miRNA in Multiple Myeloma
MM.Sim Simulated data for the cglasso vignette
nobs Extract the Number of Observations/Responses/Predictors from a datacggm Object
nobs.datacggm Extract the Number of Observations/Responses/Predictors from a datacggm Object
npred Extract the Number of Observations/Responses/Predictors from a datacggm Object
npred.datacggm Extract the Number of Observations/Responses/Predictors from a datacggm Object
nresp Extract the Number of Observations/Responses/Predictors from a datacggm Object
nresp.datacggm Extract the Number of Observations/Responses/Predictors from a datacggm Object
plot.cggm Plot Method for a "cggm" Object
plot.cglasso Plot Method for "cglasso" Object
plot.cglasso2igraph Plot Method for a cglasso2igraph Object"
plot.GoF Plot for "GoF" Object
predict Predict Method for cglasso and cggm Fits
predict.cggm Predict Method for cglasso and cggm Fits
predict.cglasso Predict Method for cglasso and cggm Fits
QFun Extract Q-Function
qqcnorm Quantile-Quantile Plots for a 'datacggm' Object
rcggm Simulate Data from a Conditional Gaussian Graphical Model with Censored and/or Missing Values
residuals Extract Model Residuals
residuals.cglasso Extract Model Residuals
rowNames Row and Column Names of a "datacggm" Object
rowNames<- Row and Column Names of a "datacggm" Object
select_cglasso Model Selection for the Conditional Graphical Lasso Estimator
ShowStructure Show Package Structure
summary.cglasso Summarizing cglasso and cggm Fits
summary.datacggm Summarizing Objects of Class "datacggm"
to_graph Create Graphs from cglasso or cggm Objects
upper Lower and Upper Limits from a "datacggm" Object