to_graph {cglasso}R Documentation

Create Graphs from cglasso or cggm Objects


to_graph’ returns a named list of graphs using the results of an R object of class ‘cglasso’ or ‘cggm’.


to_graph(object, GoF = AIC,,, weighted = FALSE, simplify = TRUE,



an R object inheriting class ‘cglasso’, that is, the output of the model-fitting functions cglasso and cggm.


a valid goodness-of-fit function, such as AIC.cglasso or BIC.cglasso, or an R object of class ‘GoF’.

optional. If object has class ‘cglasso’, this argument is an integer used to identify a specific fitted cglasso model, otherwise (i.e. if the object has class ‘cggm’) this argument can be omitted. See section ‘Details’ for more details.

optional. If object has class ‘cglasso’, this argument is an integer used to identify a specific fitted cglasso model, otherwise (i.e. if object has class ‘cggm’) this argument can be omitted. See section ‘Details’ for more details.


logical. Should weighted graphs be created? Default is FALSE.


logical. Should isolated vertices be removed from the graph? Default is TRUE, i.e., isolated vertices are removed.


further arguments passed to the chosen goodness-of-fit function (argument ‘GoF’).


to_graph’ returns a named list of graphs using the results of an R object of class ‘cglasso’ or ‘cggm’.

If object has class ‘cglasso’, then the goodness-of-fit function passed through the argument GoF is used to identify the adjacency matrix (object$InfoStructure$Adj_yy) describing the undirected edges among the pp response variables. If the model is fitted using qq predictors, then the matrix describing the effects of the predictors onto the response variables (see object$InfoStructure$Adj_xy) is also returned. Finally, these matrices are used to return an undirected and directed graph. Opionally, the user can identify a specific fitted model using the arguments and

If object has class ‘cggm’, then GoF, and can be omitted.

If argument weighted is set equal to ‘TRUE’, then the estimated precision matrix and, if available, the estimated regression coefficient matrix are used to return weighted graphs. In this case, edges associated with positive estimates are shown using a solid line. Otherwise, a dashed line is used.


to_graph’ returns an R object of S3 class “cglasso2igraph”, i.e., a named list containing the following components:


an undirected graph representing the conditional dependence structure among the pp response variables.


a directed graph representing the effetcs of the qq predictors onto the pp response variables.

Each component is an R object of class igraph.


Luigi Augugliaro (

See Also

cglasso, cggm and plot.cglasso2igraph. For more details about the object of class ‘igraph’, the interested reader is referred to the package igraph.


# Y ~ N(0, Sigma) and probability of left/right censored values equal to 0.05
n <- 100L
p <- 3L
rho <- 0.3
Sigma <- outer(1L:p, 1L:p, function(i, j) rho^abs(i - j))
Z <- rcggm(n = n, Sigma = Sigma, probl = 0.05, probr = 0.05)
out <- cglasso(. ~ ., data = Z)
out.graph <- to_graph(out)

# Y ~ N(b0 + XB, Sigma)  and probability of left/right censored values equal to 0.05
n <- 100L
p <- 3L
q <- 2L
b0 <- runif(p)
B <- matrix(runif(q * p), nrow = q, ncol = p)
X <- matrix(rnorm(n * q), nrow = n, ncol = q)
rho <- 0.3
Sigma <- outer(1L:p, 1L:p, function(i, j) rho^abs(i - j))
Z <- rcggm(n = n, b0 = b0, X = X, B = B, Sigma = Sigma, probl = 0.05, probr = 0.05)
out <- cglasso(. ~ ., data = Z)
out.graph <- to_graph(out, = 3, = 3, weighted = TRUE)

[Package cglasso version 2.0.7 Index]