Estimation Methods for Causal Inference Based on Inverse Probability Weighting

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Documentation for package ‘causalweight’ version 1.1.1

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attrlateweight Local average treatment effect estimation in multiple follow-up periods with outcome attrition based on inverse probability weighting
coffeeleaflet Information leaflet on coffee production and environmental awareness of high school / university students in Bulgaria
coupon Data on daily spending and coupon receipt (selective subsample) This data set is a selective subsample of the data set "couponsretailer" which was constructed for illustrative purposes.
couponsretailer Data on daily spending and coupon receipt A dataset containing information on the purchasing behavior of 1582 retail store customers across 32 coupon campaigns.
didcontDML Continuous Difference-in-Differences using Double Machine Learning for Repeated Cross-Sections
didcontDMLpanel Continuous Difference-in-Differences using Double Machine Learning for Panel Data
didDML Difference-in-Differences in Repeated Cross-Sections for Binary Treatments using Double Machine Learning
didweight Difference-in-differences based on inverse probability weighting
dyntreatDML Dynamic treatment effect evaluation with double machine learning
games Sales of video games
identificationDML Testing identification with double machine learning
india India's National Health Insurance Program (RSBY)
ivnr Instrument-based treatment evaluation under endogeneity and non-response bias
JC Job Corps data
lateweight Local average treatment effect estimation based on inverse probability weighting
medDML Causal mediation analysis with double machine learning
medlateweight Causal mediation analysis with instruments for treatment and mediator based on weighting
medweight Causal mediation analysis based on inverse probability weighting with optional sample selection correction.
medweightcont Causal mediation analysis with a continuous treatment based on weighting by the inverse of generalized propensity scores
paneltestDML paneltestDML: Overidentification test for ATET estimation in panel data
RDDcovar Sharp regression discontinuity design conditional on covariates
rkd Swedish municipalities
swissexper Correspondence test in Swiss apprenticeship market
testmedident Test for identification in causal mediation and dynamic treatment models
treatDML Binary or multiple discrete treatment effect evaluation with double machine learning
treatselDML Binary or multiple treatment effect evaluation with double machine learning under sample selection/outcome attrition
treatweight Treatment evaluation based on inverse probability weighting with optional sample selection correction.
ubduration Austrian unemployment duration data
wexpect Wage expectations of students in Switzerland