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Correspondence test in Swiss apprenticeship market
A dataset related to a field experiment (correspondence test) in the Swiss apprenticeship market 2018/2019. The experiment investigated the effects of applicant gender and parental occupation in applications to apprenticeships on callback rates (invitations to interviews, assessment centers, or trial apprenticeships)
A data frame with 2928 rows and 18 variables:
- city
agglomeration of apprenticeship: 1=Bern,2=Zurich,3=Basel,6=Lausanne
- foundatdate
date when job add was found
- employees
(estimated) number of employees: 1=1-20; 2=21-50; 3=51-100; 4=101-250; 5=251-500; 6=501-1000; 7=1001+
- sector
1=public sector; 2=trade/wholesale; 3=manufacturing/goods; 4=services
- uniqueID
ID of application
- sendatdate
date when application was sent
- job_father
treatment: father's occupation: 1=professor; 2=unskilled worker; 3=intermediate commercial; 4=intermediate technical
- job_mother
treatment: mother's occupation: 1= primary school teacher; 2=homemaker
- tier
skill tier of apprenticeship: 1=lower; 2=intermediate; 3=upper
- hasmoved
applicant moved from different city: 1=yes; 0=no
- contgender
gender of contact person in company: 0=unknown; 1=female; 2=male
- letterback
1: letters sent from company to applicant were returned; 0: no issues with returned letters
- outcome_invite
outcome: invitation to interview, assessment center, or trial apprenticeship: 1=yes; 0=no
- female_appl
treatment: 1=female applicant; 0=male applicant
- antidiscrpolicy
1=explicit antidiscrimination policy on company's website; 0=no explicit antidiscrimination policy
- outcome_interest
outcome: either invitation, or asking further questions, or keeping application for further consideration
- gender_neutrality
0=gender neutral job type; 1=female dominated job type; 2=male dominated type
- company_activity
scope of company's activity: 0=local; 1=national; 2=international
Fernandes, A., Huber, M., and Plaza, C. (2019): "The Effects of Gender and Parental Occupation in the Apprenticeship Market: An Experimental Evaluation", SES working paper 506, University of Fribourg.