Capital Asset Pricing for Nature

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Documentation for package ‘capn’ version 1.0.0

Help Pages

aproxdef Defining Approximation Space
catch catch function of GOM dataset
chebbasisgen Generating Unidimensional Chebyshev polynomial (monomial) basis
chebgrids Generating Chebyshev grids
chebnodegen Unidimensional Chebyshev nodes
dsdotds first derivative function of sdot in GOM dataset
dsdotdss second derivative function of sdot in GOM dataset
dwds first derivative function of profit in GOM dataset
dwdss second derivative function of profit in GOM dataset
effort effort function of GOM dataset
GOM Reef Fish example: one dimensional stock
LV Prey-Predator (Lotka-Volterra) example: two stocks
lvaproxdata Prey-Predator (Lotka-Volterra) example in LV dataset
lvsimdata.time Prey-Predator (Lotka-Volterra) example in LV dataset
paprox Calculating P-approximation coefficients
param the parameter vector adopted in GOM dataset
pdotaprox Calculating Pdot-approximation coefficients
pdotsim Simulation of Pdot-approximation
plotgen Plot Generator for Shadow Price or Value Function
profit profit function in GOM dataset
psim Simulation of P-approximation
sdot growth function of GOM dataset
unigrids Generating unifrom grids
vaprox Calculating V-approximation coefficients
vsim Simulation of V-approximation