Computes Statistics from Discrimination Experimental Data

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Documentation for package ‘callback’ version 0.1.1

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address1 Origin/Gender discrimination and strongly negative mediatic exposure (information technologist)
callback Data formatting
gender1 Gender/Maternity discrimination (commercial and administrative jobs in the financial sector)
gender2 Gender/Maternity discrimination (electricians)
gender3 Gender/Maternity discrimination (masons)
gender4 Gender/Maternity discrimination (plumbers)
graph Generic plot function
graph.stat_ecs Exclusive callback shares plots
graph.stat_glob Global callback rates plot
graph.stat_mcr Matched callback rates plots
graph.stat_tcs Total callback shares plots
g_difp Difference of proportions plot
g_ecs Exclusive callback shares plot
g_prop Proportions' comparison plot
g_tcs Total callback shares plot
inter1 Gender/Origin discrimination (software developer)
is.calc Computational compatibility
labour1 Labour market history discrimination (accountants)
labour2 Labour market history discrimination (sales assistant)
mobility1 Gender discrimination and mobility (management controller)
origin1 Origin discrimination (accountants)
origin2 Origin discrimination (waiters)
print.callback Prints the structure of the experiment
print.stat_count Print the callback counts analysis
print.stat_ecs Prints the proportions of the total callback shares
print.stat_glob Prints the global callback statistics
print.stat_mcr Prints the callback proportions analysis
print.stat_tcs Prints the proportions of the total callback shares
stat_colsums Sums the numeric or logical columns in a data frame.
stat_count Callback counts on paired data
stat_ecs Exclusive callback shares
stat_glob Unmatched callback rates
stat_mcr Matched callback rates
stat_signif Significance code of a p-value
stat_tcs Total callback shares