labour2 {callback} | R Documentation |
Labour market history discrimination (sales assistant)
The data were collected by the TEPP team (FR CNRS 2042) between January and April 2015. A candidate is defined by the variable "hist".
offer: add number.
date: date of the application.
sentorder: order in which the application was sent.
callback: TRUE if there was a non negative callback.
cont: length of labour contract, STC = short term contract (<=1 year), LTC = long term contract (>1 year with no ending date).
paris: job located inside Paris, Yes or No.
hist: history in the labour market, LTC = Long term contract, LTU = Long term unemployment, STU = Short term unemployment, STC = Short term contract, PTC = Part time contract.
A data frame with 1470 rows and 7 variables
Duguet E., Le Gall R., L’Horty Y., Petit P., 2018. How does labour market history influence the access to hiring interviews? International Journal of Manpower, 39(4), 519-533.