inter1 {callback}R Documentation

Gender/Origin discrimination (software developer)


The data were collected by the TEPP team (FR CNRS 2042) between February and April 2009. A candidate is defined by the variables ("gender","origin").




A data frame with 2480 rows and 11 variables


Petit P., Duguet E., L'Horty Y., Du Parquet L., Sari F., 2013. Discrimination à l'embauche :les effets du genre et de l'origine se cumulent-ils systématiquement ? Economie et Statistique, 464-465-466:141-153.

Duguet E., Du Parquet L, L'Horty Y., Petit P., 2015. New Evidence of Ethnic and Gender discriminations in the French Labor Market using experimental data:A ranking extension of responses from correspondence tests. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 117-118:21-39.

[Package callback version 0.1.1 Index]