Bayesian Inference of Vector Autoregressive and Error Correction Models

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Documentation for package ‘bvartools’ version 0.2.4

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add_priors Add Priors to Bayesian Models A generic function used to generate prior specifications for a list of models. The function invokes particular methods which depend on the class of the first argument.
add_priors.bvarmodel Add Priors for a Vector Autoregressive Models
add_priors.bvecmodel Add Priors for Vector Error Correction Models
add_priors.dfmodel Add Priors to Dynamic Factor Model
bem_dfmdata FRED-QD data
bvar Bayesian Vector Autoregression Objects
bvarpost Posterior Simulation for BVAR Models
bvec Bayesian Vector Error Correction Objects
bvecpost Posterior Simulation for BVEC Models
bvec_to_bvar Transform a VEC Model to a VAR in Levels
bvs Bayesian Variable Selection
dfm Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model Objects
dfmpost Posterior Simulation for Dynamic Factor Models
draw_posterior Posterior Simulation
draw_posterior.bvarmodel Posterior Simulation
draw_posterior.bvecmodel Posterior Simulation for Vector Error Correction Models
draw_posterior.dfmodel Posterior Simulation
e1 West German economic time series data
e6 German interest and inflation rate data
fevd Forecast Error Variance Decomposition A generic function used to calculate forecast error varianc decompositions.
fevd.bvar Forecast Error Variance Decomposition
gen_dfm Dynamic Factor Model Input
gen_var Vector Autoregressive Model Input
gen_vec Vector Error Correction Model Input
inclusion_prior Prior Inclusion Probabilities
irf Impulse Response Function A generic function used to calculate impulse response functions.
irf.bvar Impulse Response Function
kalman_dk Durbin and Koopman Simulation Smoother
loglik_normal Calculates the log-likelihood of a multivariate normal distribution.
minnesota_prior Minnesota Prior
plot.bvar Bayesian Vector Autoregression Objects
plot.bvarfevd Forecast Error Variance Decomposition A generic function used to calculate forecast error varianc decompositions.
plot.bvarirf Impulse Response Function A generic function used to calculate impulse response functions.
plot.bvarlist Plotting Posterior Draws of Bayesian VAR or VEC Models
plot.bvarprd Plotting Forecasts of BVAR Models
plot.bvec Bayesian Vector Error Correction Objects
plot.dfm Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model Objects
post_coint_kls Posterior Draw for Cointegration Models
post_coint_kls_sur Posterior Draw for Cointegration Models
post_normal Posterior Draw from a Normal Distribution
post_normal_covar_const Posterior Simulation of Error Covariance Coefficients
post_normal_covar_tvp Posterior Simulation of Error Covariance Coefficients
post_normal_sur Posterior Draw from a Normal Distribution
predict.bvar Bayesian Vector Autoregression Objects
print.summary.bvar Summarising Bayesian VAR Coefficients
print.summary.bvec Summarising Bayesian VEC Coefficients
ssvs Stochastic Search Variable Selection
ssvs_prior Stochastic Search Variable Selection Prior
stochvol_ksc1998 Stochastic Volatility
stochvol_ocsn2007 Stochastic Volatility
stoch_vol Stochastic Volatility
summary.bvar Summarising Bayesian VAR Coefficients
summary.bvarlist Summarising Bayesian VAR or VEC Models
summary.bvec Summarising Bayesian VEC Coefficients
summary.dfm Summarising Bayesian Dynamic Factor Models
thin.bvar Thinning Posterior Draws
thin.bvarlist Thinning Posterior Draws
thin.bvec Thinning Posterior Draws
thin.dfm Thinning Posterior Draws
us_macrodata US macroeconomic data