calculate_condition_mean_sd_per_gene | Calculate statistics for each gene of an expression matrix given a grouping |
crossPanel | Generate the cross plot panel of the shiny app |
crossPanelServer | Generate the cross plot panel of the shiny app |
crossPanelUI | Generate the cross plot panel of the shiny app |
cross_plot | Create a cross plot comparing differential expression (DE) results |
DEanalysis | Perform differential expression (DE) analysis on an expression matrix |
DEanalysis_deseq2 | Perform differential expression (DE) analysis on an expression matrix |
DEanalysis_edger | Perform differential expression (DE) analysis on an expression matrix |
DEpanel | Generate the DE panel of the shiny app |
DEpanelServer | Generate the DE panel of the shiny app |
DEpanelUI | Generate the DE panel of the shiny app |
DEplotPanel | Generate the DE plot plot panel of the shiny app |
DEplotPanelServer | Generate the DE plot plot panel of the shiny app |
DEplotPanelUI | Generate the DE plot plot panel of the shiny app |
DEsummaryPanel | Generate the DE summary panel of the shiny app |
DEsummaryPanelServer | Generate the DE summary panel of the shiny app |
DEsummaryPanelUI | Generate the DE summary panel of the shiny app |
determine_uds | Determine the pattern between two intervals |
enrichmentPanel | Generate the enrichment panel of the shiny app |
enrichmentPanelServer | Generate the enrichment panel of the shiny app |
enrichmentPanelUI | Generate the enrichment panel of the shiny app |
expression_heatmap | Create heatmap of an expression matrix |
find_regulators_with_recurring_edges | Find recurring regulators |
generateShinyApp | Generate all files required for an autonomous shiny app |
genes_barplot | Create a bar plot of expression for selected genes across samples in an experiment |
get_link_list_rename | Convert the adjacency matrix to network links |
GRNCisPanel | Generate the GRN cis integration panel of the shiny app |
GRNCisPanelServer | Generate the GRN cis integration panel of the shiny app |
GRNCisPanelUI | Generate the GRN cis integration panel of the shiny app |
GRNCustomPanel | Generate the GRN custom integration panel of the shiny app |
GRNCustomPanelServer | Generate the GRN custom integration panel of the shiny app |
GRNCustomPanelUI | Generate the GRN custom integration panel of the shiny app |
GRNpanel | Generate the GRN panel of the shiny app |
GRNpanelServer | Generate the GRN panel of the shiny app |
GRNpanelUI | Generate the GRN panel of the shiny app |
GRNTransPanel | Generate the GRN trans integration panel of the shiny app |
GRNTransPanelServer | Generate the GRN trans integration panel of the shiny app |
GRNTransPanelUI | Generate the GRN trans integration panel of the shiny app |
infer_GRN | Perform GRN inference |
jaccard_heatmap | Create a heatmap of the Jaccard similarity index (JSI) between samples of an experiment |
jaccard_index | Calculate the Jaccard similarity index (JSI) between two vectors |
landingPanel | Generate the landing page panel of the shiny app |
landingPanelServer | Generate the landing page panel of the shiny app |
landingPanelUI | Generate the landing page panel of the shiny app |
make_heatmap_matrix | Create a matrix of the average expression of each gene in each condition |
make_pattern_matrix | Create a matrix of the patterns between conditions |
ma_enhance | Create an MA plot visualising differential expression (DE) results |
ma_plot | Create an MA plot visualising differential expression (DE) results |
modalityPanel | Generate an app panel for a modality |
modalityPanelServer | Generate an app panel for a modality |
modalityPanelUI | Generate an app panel for a modality |
noisyr_counts_with_plot | Apply a modified noisyR counts pipeline printing a plot |
patternPanel | Generate the expression patterns panel of the shiny app |
patternPanelServer | Generate the expression patterns panel of the shiny app |
patternPanelUI | Generate the expression patterns panel of the shiny app |
plot_GRN | Plot a GRN |
plot_line_pattern | Create a line plot of average expression across conditions |
plot_pca | Create a principal component analysis (PCA) plot the samples of an experiment |
plot_upset | Visualise the overlap of edges between different networks |
preprocessExpressionMatrix | Pre-process the expression matrix before generating the shiny app |
preprocess_miRTarBase | Creates a comparison table for miRTarBase to be used for custom integration |
QCpanel | Generate the QC panel of the shiny app |
QCpanelServer | Generate the QC panel of the shiny app |
QCpanelUI | Generate the QC panel of the shiny app |
qc_density_plot | Create a density plot of log2 expression across samples of an experiment |
qc_violin_plot | Create a violin/box plot of expression across samples of an experiment |
rescale_matrix | Rescale a matrix |
sampleSelectPanel | Generate the sample select panel of the shiny app |
sampleSelectPanelServer | Generate the sample select panel of the shiny app |
sampleSelectPanelUI | Generate the sample select panel of the shiny app |
scatter_plot | Create a scatter plot of expression between two samples of an experiment |
volcano_enhance | Create a volcano plot visualising differential expression (DE) results |
volcano_plot | Create a volcano plot visualising differential expression (DE) results |