Bayesian SVARs with Sign, Zero, and Narrative Restrictions

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Documentation for package ‘bsvarSIGNs’ version 1.0

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bsvarSIGNs-package Bayesian Estimation of Structural Vector Autoregressions Identified by Sign, Zero, and Narrative Restrictions
bsvarSIGNs Bayesian Estimation of Structural Vector Autoregressions Identified by Sign, Zero, and Narrative Restrictions
compute_conditional_sd.PosteriorBSVARSIGN Computes posterior draws of structural shock conditional standard deviations
compute_fitted_values.PosteriorBSVARSIGN Computes posterior draws from data predictive density
compute_historical_decompositions.PosteriorBSVARSIGN Computes posterior draws of historical decompositions
compute_impulse_responses.PosteriorBSVARSIGN Computes posterior draws of impulse responses
compute_structural_shocks.PosteriorBSVARSIGN Computes posterior draws of structural shocks
compute_variance_decompositions.PosteriorBSVARSIGN Computes posterior draws of the forecast error variance decomposition
estimate.BSVARSIGN Bayesian estimation of a Structural Vector Autoregression with traditional and narrative sign restrictions via Gibbs sampler
forecast.PosteriorBSVARSIGN Forecasting using Structural Vector Autoregression
monetary A 6-variable US monetary policy data, from 1965 Jan to 2007 Aug
optimism A 5-variable US business cycle data, from 1955 Q1 to 2004 Q4
specify_bsvarSIGN R6 Class representing the specification of the BSVARSIGN model
specify_identification_bsvarSIGN R6 Class Representing IdentificationBSVARSIGN
specify_narrative vector specifying one narrative restriction
specify_posterior_bsvarSIGN R6 Class Representing PosteriorBSVARSIGN
specify_prior_bsvarSIGN R6 Class Representing PriorBSVAR