Browse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and Analytically in R

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Documentation for package ‘brolgar’ version 1.0.1

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add_key_slope Fit linear model for each key
add_key_slope.default Fit linear model for each key
add_n_obs Add the number of observations for each key in a 'tsibble'
brolgar-features Calculate features of a 'tsibble' object in conjunction with 'features()'
b_diff_iqr Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_diff_max Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_diff_mean Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_diff_median Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_diff_min Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_diff_q25 Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_diff_q75 Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_diff_sd Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_diff_var Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_iqr Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_mad Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_max Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_mean Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_median Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_min Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_q25 Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_q75 Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_range Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_range_diff Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_sd Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_summaries Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
b_var Brolgar summaries (b_summaries)
decreasing Are values monotonic? Always increasing, decreasing, or unvarying?
facet_sample Facet data into groups to facilitate exploration
facet_strata Facet data into groups to facilitate exploration
feat_brolgar Calculate features of a 'tsibble' object in conjunction with 'features()'
feat_diff_summary Calculate features of a 'tsibble' object in conjunction with 'features()'
feat_five_num Calculate features of a 'tsibble' object in conjunction with 'features()'
feat_monotonic Calculate features of a 'tsibble' object in conjunction with 'features()'
feat_ranges Calculate features of a 'tsibble' object in conjunction with 'features()'
feat_spread Calculate features of a 'tsibble' object in conjunction with 'features()'
feat_three_num Calculate features of a 'tsibble' object in conjunction with 'features()'
heights World Height Data
increasing Are values monotonic? Always increasing, decreasing, or unvarying?
index_regular Index summaries Index summaries
index_regular.tbl_ts Index summaries
index_summary Index summaries Index summaries
index_summary.tbl_ts Index summaries
keys_near Return keys nearest to a given statistics or summary. Return keys nearest to a given statistics or summary.
keys_near.default Return keys nearest to a given statistics or summary.
keys_near.tbl_ts Return keys nearest to a given statistics or summary.
key_slope Fit linear model for each key
l_five_num A named list of the five number summary
l_funs A named list of the five number summary
l_three_num A named list of the five number summary
monotonic Are values monotonic? Always increasing, decreasing, or unvarying?
nearests Is x nearest to y?
nearest_lgl Is x nearest to y?
nearest_qt_lgl Is x nearest to y?
near_between Return x percent to y percent of values
near_middle Return the middle x percent of values
near_quantile Which values are nearest to any given quantiles
n_obs Return the number of observations
pisa Student data from 2000-2018 PISA OECD data
sample-n-frac-keys Sample a number or fraction of keys to explore
sample_frac_keys Sample a number or fraction of keys to explore
sample_n_keys Sample a number or fraction of keys to explore
stratify_keys Stratify the keys into groups to facilitate exploration
unvarying Are values monotonic? Always increasing, decreasing, or unvarying?
wages Wages data from National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)