Easy and Accessible Bayesian Measurement Models Using 'brms'

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Documentation for package ‘bmm’ version 1.0.1

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bmm-package Easy and Accesible Bayesian Measurement Models Using 'brms'
bmf Create formula for predicting parameters of a 'bmmodel'
bmm Fit Bayesian Measurement Models
bmmformula Create formula for predicting parameters of a 'bmmodel'
bmm_options View or change global bmm options
calc_error_relative_to_nontargets Calculate response error relative to non-target values
circle_transform Convert degrees to radians or radians to degrees.
c_bessel2sqrtexp Convert between parametrizations of the c parameter of the SDM distribution
c_parametrizations Convert between parametrizations of the c parameter of the SDM distribution
c_sqrtexp2bessel Convert between parametrizations of the c parameter of the SDM distribution
default_prior Get Default priors for Measurement Models specified in BMM
default_prior.bmmformula Get Default priors for Measurement Models specified in BMM
deg2rad Convert degrees to radians or radians to degrees.
dimm Distribution functions for the Interference Measurement Model (IMM)
dmixture2p Distribution functions for the two-parameter mixture model (mixture2p)
dmixture3p Distribution functions for the three-parameter mixture model (mixture3p)
dsdm Distribution functions for the Signal Discrimination Model (SDM)
fit_info Extract information from a brmsfit object
fit_model Fit Bayesian Measurement Models
imm Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017).
IMMabc Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017).
IMMbsc Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017).
IMMdist Distribution functions for the Interference Measurement Model (IMM)
IMMfull Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017).
k2sd Transform kappa of the von Mises distribution to the circular standard deviation
mixture2p Two-parameter mixture model by Zhang and Luck (2008).
mixture2p_dist Distribution functions for the two-parameter mixture model (mixture2p)
mixture3p Three-parameter mixture model by Bays et al (2009).
mixture3p_dist Distribution functions for the three-parameter mixture model (mixture3p)
oberauer_lin_2017 Data from Experiment 1 reported by Oberauer & Lin (2017)
pimm Distribution functions for the Interference Measurement Model (IMM)
pmixture2p Distribution functions for the two-parameter mixture model (mixture2p)
pmixture3p Distribution functions for the three-parameter mixture model (mixture3p)
psdm Distribution functions for the Signal Discrimination Model (SDM)
qimm Distribution functions for the Interference Measurement Model (IMM)
qmixture2p Distribution functions for the two-parameter mixture model (mixture2p)
qmixture3p Distribution functions for the three-parameter mixture model (mixture3p)
qsdm Distribution functions for the Signal Discrimination Model (SDM)
rad2deg Convert degrees to radians or radians to degrees.
restructure Restructure Old 'bmmfit' Objects
restructure.bmmfit Restructure Old 'bmmfit' Objects
rimm Distribution functions for the Interference Measurement Model (IMM)
rmixture2p Distribution functions for the two-parameter mixture model (mixture2p)
rmixture3p Distribution functions for the three-parameter mixture model (mixture3p)
rsdm Distribution functions for the Signal Discrimination Model (SDM)
sdm Signal Discrimination Model (SDM) by Oberauer (2023)
SDMdist Distribution functions for the Signal Discrimination Model (SDM)
sdmSimple Signal Discrimination Model (SDM) by Oberauer (2023)
softmax Softmax and logsoftmax functions and their inverse functions
softmaxinv Softmax and logsoftmax functions and their inverse functions
stancode Generate Stan code for bmm models
stancode.bmmformula Generate Stan code for bmm models
standata Stan data for 'bmm' models
standata.bmmformula Stan data for 'bmm' models
summary.bmmfit Create a summary of a fitted model represented by a 'bmmfit' object
supported_models Measurement models available in 'bmm'
update.bmmfit Update a bmm model
wrap Wrap angles that extend beyond (-pi;pi)
zhang_luck_2008 Data from Experiment 2 reported by Zhang & Luck (2008)