imm {bmm}R Documentation

Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017).


Three versions of the Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017). - the full, bsc, and abc. IMMfull(), IMMbsc(), and IMMabc() are deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use imm(version = 'full'), imm(version = 'bsc'), or imm(version = 'abc') instead.


  regex = FALSE,
  version = "full",

IMMfull(resp_error, nt_features, nt_distances, set_size, regex = FALSE, ...)

IMMbsc(resp_error, nt_features, nt_distances, set_size, regex = FALSE, ...)

IMMabc(resp_error, nt_features, set_size, regex = FALSE, ...)



The name of the variable in the provided dataset containing the response error. The response Error should code the response relative to the to-be-recalled target in radians. You can transform the response error in degrees to radian using the deg2rad function.


A character vector with the names of the non-target variables. The non_target variables should be in radians and be centered relative to the target. Alternatively, if regex=TRUE, a regular expression can be used to match the non-target feature columns in the dataset.


A vector of names of the columns containing the distances of non-target items to the target item. Alternatively, if regex=TRUE, a regular expression can be used to match the non-target distances columns in the dataset. Only necessary for the bsc and full versions.


Name of the column containing the set size variable (if set_size varies) or a numeric value for the set_size, if the set_size is fixed.


Logical. If TRUE, the nt_features and nt_distances arguments are interpreted as a regular expression to match the non-target feature columns in the dataset.


Character. The version of the IMM model to use. Can be one of full, bsc, or abc. The default is full.


used internally for testing, ignore it


Version: full

Version: bsc

Version: abc

Additionally, all imm models have an internal parameter that is fixed to 0 to allow the model to be identifiable. This parameter is not estimated and is not included in the model formula. The parameter is:


An object of class bmmodel


# load data
data <- oberauer_lin_2017

# define formula
ff <- bmmformula(
  kappa ~ 0 + set_size,
  c ~ 0 + set_size,
  a ~ 0 + set_size,
  s ~ 0 + set_size

# specify the full IMM model with explicit column names for non-target features and distances
# by default this fits the full version of the model
model1 <- imm(resp_error = "dev_rad",
              nt_features = paste0('col_nt', 1:7),
              nt_distances = paste0('dist_nt', 1:7),
              set_size = 'set_size')

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = data,
           model = model1,
           cores = 4,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

# alternatively specify the IMM model with a regular expression to match non-target features
# this is equivalent to the previous call, but more concise
model2 <- imm(resp_error = "dev_rad",
              nt_features = 'col_nt',
              nt_distances = 'dist_nt',
              set_size = 'set_size',
              regex = TRUE)

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = data,
           model = model2,
           cores = 4,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

# you can also specify the `bsc` or `abc` versions of the model to fit a reduced version
model3 <- imm(resp_error = "dev_rad",
              nt_features = 'col_nt',
              set_size = 'set_size',
              regex = TRUE,
              version = 'abc')
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = data,
           model = model3,
           cores = 4,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

[Package bmm version 1.0.1 Index]