stancode.bmmformula {bmm}R Documentation

Generate Stan code for bmm models


Given the model, the data and the formula for the model, this function will return the combined stan code generated by bmm and brms


## S3 method for class 'bmmformula'
stancode(object, data, model, prior = NULL, ...)



A bmmformula object


An object of class data.frame, containing data of all variables used in the model. The names of the variables must match the variable names passed to the bmmodel object for required argurments.


A description of the model to be fitted. This is a call to a bmmodel such as mixture3p() function. Every model function has a number of required arguments which need to be specified within the function call. Call supported_models() to see the list of supported models and their required arguments


One or more brmsprior objects created by brms::set_prior() or related functions and combined using the c method or the + operator. See also default_prior() for more help. Not necessary for the default model fitting, but you can provide prior constraints to model parameters


Further arguments passed to brms::stancode(). See the description of brms::stancode() for more details


A character string containing the fully commented Stan code to fit a bmm model.

See Also

supported_models(), brms::stancode()


scode1 <- stancode(bmf(c ~ 1, kappa ~ 1),
  data = oberauer_lin_2017,
  model = sdm(resp_error = "dev_rad")

[Package bmm version 1.0.1 Index]