Bayesian Continual Reassessment Method for Phase I Dose-Escalation Trials

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Documentation for package ‘bcrm’ version 0.5.4

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bcrm-package Bayesian Continual Reassessment Method for Phase I Dose-Escalation Trials
bcrm Bayesian Continual Reassessment Method for Phase I Dose-Escalation Trials
find.x Obtain samples from the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) distribution.
getprior Samples from the specified prior distribution.
plot.bcrm Plot the estimated dose-toxicity curve
plot.bcrm.sim Plot the operating characteristics from the simulated trials
plot.threep3 Plot the operating characteristics from a standard 3+3 trial
Posterior.BRugs Returns samples from the posterior distributions of each model parameter using OpenBUGS.
Posterior.exact Returns posterior mean parameter value and summaries of distributions for probability of DLT at each dose level
Posterior.exact.sim Returns posterior mean parameter value and summaries of distributions for probability of DLT at each dose level
Posterior.R2WinBUGS Returns samples from the posterior distributions of each model parameter using WinBUGS
Posterior.rjags Returns samples from the posterior distributions of each model parameter using JAGS.
print.bcrm Print information regarding a trial conducted using the Bayesian continuous reassessment method
print.bcrm.sim Print information regarding a trial conducted using the Bayesian continuous reassessment method
print.threep3 Print information regarding the operating characteristics of a standard 3+3 design
threep3 Calculate all possible trial pathways for the standard 3+3 design, together with their probability of occurring