Basic Sequence Processing Tool for Biological Data

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Documentation for package ‘baseq’ version 0.1.4

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clean_DNA_file Clean DNA file
clean_DNA_sequence Clean DNA sequence
clean_RNA_file Clean RNA file
clean_RNA_sequence Clean RNA sequence
clean_sequence Clean DNA or RNA sequence
count_bases Count the number of A's, C's, G's, and T's in a DNA sequence
count_seq_pattern Count frequency of a pattern in a sequence
dna_to_protein Translation of a DNA sequence
dna_to_rna Transcription of a DNA sequence
fastq_to_fasta Convert a FASTQ file to a FASTA file
gc_content Calculate GC content of a DNA sequence
gc_content_file GC content of sequences in a multi FASTA file
read.fasta_to_df Read a fasta file into a dataframe and assign to the environment
read.fasta_to_list Read a fasta file into a list and assign to the environment
read.fastq_to_df Read a Fastq file and store it as a dataframe
read.fastq_to_list Read a Fastq file and store it as a list
reverse_complement Generate Reverse Complement of DNA sequence
rna_reverse_complement Generate Reverse Complement of DNA sequence
rna_to_dna Reverse Transcription of a RNA sequence
rna_to_protein Translation of a RNA sequence
write.df_to_fasta Write a data frame to a fasta file
write.df_to_fastq Write a FASTQ file from a dataframe of reads
write.dna_to_rna Convert DNA file to RNA file
write.list_to_fasta Write a list of sequences to a FASTA file
write.list_to_fastq Write a list of sequence_bases and quality scores to a FASTQ file
write.rna_to_dna Convert RNA file to DNA file