baseline-package | Baseline correction |
algorithm | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgTest" objects |
algorithm-method | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgTest" objects |
algorithm-methods | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgTest" objects |
als | Asymmetric Least Squares |
baseline | Baseline correction |
baseline-class | Class "baseline" |
baseline.als | Asymmetric Least Squares |
baseline.fillPeaks | Fill peaks |
baseline.irls | Iterative Restricted Least Squares |
baseline.lowpass | Low-pass FFT filter |
baseline.medianWindow | Median window |
baseline.modpolyfit | Modified polynomial fitting |
baseline.peakDetection | Simultaneous Peak Detection and Baseline Correction |
baseline.rfbaseline | Robust Baseline Estimation |
baseline.rollingBall | Rolling ball |
baseline.shirley | Shirley Background Estimation |
baseline.TAP | TAP |
baselineAlg-class | Class "baselineAlg" |
baselineAlgorithms | List of available baseline algorithms |
baselineAlgorithmsGUI | List of available baseline algorithms for GUI function |
baselineAlgResult-class | Class "baselineAlgResult" |
baselineAlgTest-class | Class "baselineAlgTest" |
baselineEnv | Baseline environment |
baselineGUI | Interactive plotting tool |
C1s | XPS core line data |
custom.baseline | Customized baseline correction |
description | Extraction methods for "baselineAlg" objects |
description-method | Extraction methods for "baselineAlg" objects |
description-methods | Extraction methods for "baselineAlg" objects |
doOptim | Optimise several baseline algorithms on a data set |
extraArgs | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgTest" objects |
extraArgs-method | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgTest" objects |
extraArgs-methods | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgTest" objects |
fillPeaks | Fill peaks |
funcName | Extract the "funcName" slot. |
funcName-method | Extract the "funcName" slot. |
funcName-methods | Extract the "funcName" slot. |
getBaseline | Functions to extract the components of a "baseline" object |
getBaseline-method | Class "baseline" |
getBaselineEnv | Baseline environment |
getCall | Functions to extract the components of a "baseline" object |
getCall-method | Class "baseline" |
getCorrected | Functions to extract the components of a "baseline" object |
getCorrected-method | Class "baseline" |
getOptim | Visual tool for setting up optimization |
getOptimRes | Visual tool for setting up optimization |
getSpectra | Functions to extract the components of a "baseline" object |
getSpectra-method | Class "baseline" |
ind.min | Extraction methods specific for "predictionResult" objects |
ind.min-method | Extraction methods specific for "predictionResult" objects |
ind.min-methods | Extraction methods specific for "predictionResult" objects |
irls | Iterative Restricted Least Squares |
lowpass | Low-pass FFT filter |
medianWindow | Median window |
milk | MALDI-TOF mass spectra |
minQualMeas | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
minQualMeas-method | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
minQualMeas-methods | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
modpolyfit | Modified polynomial fitting |
mvrValstats | Optimise several baseline algorithms on a data set |
name | Extraction methods for "baselineAlg" objects |
name-method | Extraction methods for "baselineAlg" objects |
name-methods | Extraction methods for "baselineAlg" objects |
O1s | XPS core line data |
optimWizard | Visual tool for setting up optimization |
overall.min | Extract the minimum from a baseline optimisation |
param | Extract the "param" slot |
param-method | Extract the "param" slot |
param-methods | Extract the "param" slot |
param.ind.min | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgResult" objects |
param.ind.min-method | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgResult" objects |
param.ind.min-methods | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgResult" objects |
param.min | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
param.min-method | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
param.min-methods | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
paramName | Extraction methods specific for "predictionResult" objects |
paramName-method | Extraction methods specific for "predictionResult" objects |
paramName-methods | Extraction methods specific for "predictionResult" objects |
peakDetection | Simultaneous Peak Detection and Baseline Correction |
plot-method | Plot method for "baseline" objects |
plotBaseline | Plot method for "baseline" objects |
plotOptim | Plotting tool for result objects from optimization |
PLSRTest-class | Class "PLSRTest" |
predictionResult-class | Class "predictionResult" |
predictionTest-class | Class "predictionTest" |
putBaselineEnv | Baseline environment |
qualMeas | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
qualMeas-method | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
qualMeas-methods | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
qualMeas.ind.min | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgResult" objects |
qualMeas.ind.min-method | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgResult" objects |
qualMeas.ind.min-methods | Extraction methods for "baselineAlgResult" objects |
qualMeasName | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
qualMeasName-method | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
qualMeasName-methods | Extraction functions for "predictionResult" or "baselineAlgResult" objects |
rfbaseline | Robust Baseline Estimation |
ridgeRegressionTest-class | Class "ridgeRegressionTest" |
rollingBall | Rolling ball |
runTest | Run a predictionTest or baselineAlgTest |
runTest-method | Run a predictionTest or baselineAlgTest |
runTest-methods | Run a predictionTest or baselineAlgTest |
shirley | Shirley Background Estimation |