astrochron-package | astrochron: A Computational Tool for Astrochronology |
anchorTime | Anchor a floating astrochronology to a radioisotopic age |
ar1 | Generate AR(1) surrogates |
ar1etp | AR(1) + ETP simulation routine |
arcsinT | Arcsine transformation of stratigraphic series |
armaGen | Generate autoregressive moving-average model |
asm | Average Spectral Misfit |
astrochron | astrochron: A Computational Tool for Astrochronology |
autoPlot | Automatically plot multiple stratigraphic series, with smoothing if desired |
bandpass | Bandpass filter stratigraphic series |
bergerPeriods | Obliquity and precession periods of Berger et al. (1992) |
bicoherence | bicoherence: Calculate bispectrum and bicoherence using WOSA method as detailed in Choudhury et al. (2008). |
bioturb | Bioturbate time series using diffusion model from Guinasso and Schinck (1975), as in Liu et al. (2021) |
calcPeriods | Calculate eccentricity, obliquity and precession periods in ka, given g, s and k in arcsec/yr |
cb | Combine multiple vectors |
clipIt | Create non-linear response by clipping stratigraphic series |
confAdjust | Adjust spectrum confidence levels for multiple comparisons |
constantSedrate | Apply a constant sedimentation rate model to transform a spatial series to temporal series |
conv_fft | Convolution through Fast Fourier Transform |
cosTaper | Apply cosine taper to stratigraphic series |
cycles | Generate harmonic model |
deconv | Wiener Deconvolution through Fast Fourier Transform |
delPts | Interactively delete points in plot |
demean | Remove mean value from stratigraphic series |
detrend | Subtract linear trend from stratigraphic series |
diffAccum | Model differential accumulation |
divTrend | Divide by linear trend in stratigraphic series |
dpssTaper | Apply DPSS taper to stratigraphic series |
eAsm | Evolutive Average Spectral Misfit |
eAsmTrack | Track ASM null hypothesis significance level minima in eASM results |
eha | Evolutive Harmonic Analysis & Evolutive Power Spectral Analysis |
eTimeOpt | eTimeOpt: Evolutive implementation of TimeOpt (Meyers, 2015; Meyers, 2019) |
eTimeOptTrack | Track eTimeOpt r2 maxima |
etp | Generate eccentricity-tilt-precession models |
extract | Extract record from EHA time-frequency output or eAsm output |
flip | Flip stratigraphic series |
freq2sedrate | Convert record of local spatial frequency (from EHA) to sedimentation rate curve |
gausTaper | Apply Gaussian taper to stratigraphic series |
getColor | Query R for color information |
getData | Download file from astrochron data server |
getLaskar | Download Laskar et al. (2004, 2011a, 2011b) astronomical solutions |
hannTaper | Apply Hann taper to stratigraphic series |
headn | List column numbers for each variable |
hilbert | Hilbert transform of stratigraphic series |
idPts | Interactively identify points in plot |
imbrie | Imbrie and Imbrie (1980) ice sheet model |
impulseResponse | Impulse response function calculation |
insoDiff | insolation difference map using Laskar et al. (2004) insolation calculations |
insoMap | generate an insolation map using Laskar et al. (2004) insolation calculations |
insoSeries | Laskar et al. (2004) insolation calculations |
integratePower | Determine the total power within a given bandwidth |
iso | Isolate data from a specified stratigraphic interval |
linage | Tune stratigraphic series to an astronomical target using graphical interface |
linterp | Piecewise linear interpolation of stratigraphic series |
logT | Log transformation of stratigraphic series |
lowpass | Lowpass filter stratigraphic series |
lowspec | Robust Locally-Weighted Regression Spectral Background Estimation |
makeNoise | Generate noise surrogates from a theoretical power spectrum |
modelA | Example stratigraphic model series |
mtm | Multitaper method spectral analysis |
mtmAR | Intermediate spectrum test of Thomson et al. (2001) |
mtmML96 | Mann and Lees (1996) robust red noise MTM analysis |
mtmPL | Multitaper Method Spectral Analysis with Power Law (1/f) fit |
multiTest | Adjust spectral p-values for multiple comparisons |
mwCor | Calculate moving window correlation coefficient for two stratigraphic series, using a 'dynamic window' |
mwin | Determine 'dynamic moving window' for stratigraphic series, adjusting for changing sample density to maintain a window of constant duration |
mwinGrid | Determine 'dynamic moving window' for stratigraphic series, adjusting for changing sample density to maintain a window of constant duration; output on evenly spaced grid |
mwMinMax | 'Dynamic window' moving assessment of maxima and minima in stratigraphic series |
mwStats | 'Dynamic window' moving average, median and variance of stratigraphic series |
mwStatsGrid | 'Dynamic window' moving average, median and variance of stratigraphic series, using evenly spaced spatial/temporal grid |
noKernel | Remove Gaussian kernel smoother from stratigraphic series |
noLow | Fit and remove Lowess smoother from stratigraphic series |
pad | Pad stratigraphic series with zeros |
peak | Identify maxima of peaks in series, filter at desired threshold value |
periodogram | Simple periodogram |
pl | Set up plots |
plotEha | Create color time-frequency plots from eha results. |
plS | Set default plotting parameters for vertical stratigraphic plots |
prewhiteAR | Prewhiten stratigraphic series with autoregressive filter, order selected by Akaike Information Criterion |
prewhiteAR1 | Prewhiten stratigraphic series with AR1 filter, using 'standard' or unbiased estimate of rho |
pwrLaw | Generate power law (1/f) noise surrogates |
pwrLawFit | Estimate power law (1/f) fit to power spectrum |
rankSeries | Create lithofacies rank series from bed thickness data |
read | Read data from file |
readMatrix | Read data matrix from file |
repl0 | Replace values < 0 with 0 |
replEps | Replace values <= 0 with smallest positive value |
resample | Resample stratigraphic series |
rmNA | Remove stratigraphic levels that contain one or more NAs |
s | Standardize variable in stratigraphic series |
sedRamp | Apply 'ramping' sedimentation rate model to convert time to stratigraphy |
sedrate2time | Integrate sedimentation rate curve to obtain time-space map |
slideCor | Identify optimal spatial/temporal shift to maximize correlation between two stratigraphic/time series. |
sortNave | Remove missing entries, sort data, average duplicates |
stepHeat | Ar/Ar Geochronology: Generate an Ar/Ar age spectrum and calculate step-heating plateau age. |
stratPCA | Principal Component Analysis on Stratigraphic Series |
strats | Summary statistics for stratigraphic series |
surrogateCor | Estimate correlation coefficient and significance for serially correlated data |
surrogates | Generate phase-randomized surrogate series as in Ebisuzaki (1997) |
synthStrat | Synthesize stratigraphy from forcing function |
taner | Apply Taner bandpass or lowpass filter to stratigraphic series |
tanerFC | Apply Taner bandpass or lowpass filter to Fourier coefficients |
testBackground | Evaluate power spectrum false positive rates via Monte Carlo simulation |
testPrecession | Astrochronologic testing via the precession amplitude modulation approach of Zeeden et al. (2015). |
testTilt | Astrochronologic testing via the obliquity amplitude modulation approach of Zeeden et al. (2019 submitted). |
timeOpt | TimeOpt: Evaluation of eccentricity-related amplitude modulation and bundling in paleoclimate data |
timeOptMCMC | TimeOptMCMC: Evaluation of eccentricity-related amplitude modulation and bundling in paleoclimate data ("TimeOpt"), with uncertainties via Markov-Chain Monte Carlo |
timeOptPlot | TimeOptPlot: Generate summary figure for TimeOpt analyses |
timeOptSim | Monte Carlo simulation for TimeOpt |
timeOptSimPwrLaw | Monte Carlo simulation for TimeOpt, using power law (1/f) noise |
timeOptTemplate | TimeOpt analysis using variable sedimentation models |
timeOptTemplatePlot | TimeOptTemplatePlot: Generate summary figure for TimeOptTemplate analyses |
timeOptTemplateSim | Simulations for timeOptTemplate |
tones | Calculate all possible difference and combinations tones |
traceFreq | Frequency-domain minimal tuning: Use interactive graphical interface to trace frequency drift |
tracePeak | A tool to interactively trace peak trajectories on plots |
trackFreq | Frequency-domain minimal tuning: Use interactive graphical interface and sorting to track frequency drift |
trackPeak | A tool to interactively select points to track peak trajectories on plots |
trim | Remove outliers from stratigraphic series |
trimAT | Remove outliers from stratigraphic series |
trough | Identify minima of troughs in series, filter at desired threshold value |
tune | Tune stratigraphic series |
unbioturb | Bioturbation removal function following the approach of Liu et al (2021) |
writeCSV | Write CSV file |
writeT | Write tab-delimited file |
wtMean | Ar/Ar Geochronology: calculate weighted mean age, age uncertainty, and other associated statistics/plots (with interactive graphics for data culling). |
xplot | Generate cross-plot with kernel density estimates on axes |
zoomIn | Dynamically explore cross-plot, zoom-in into specified region |