ASScenario |
Parses the data files of an algorithm selection scenario into an S3 object. |
ASScenarioDesc |
S3 class for ASScenarioDesc. |
checkDuplicatedInstances |
Checks the feature data set for duplicated instances. |
convertAlgoPerfToWideFormat |
Converts 'algo.runs' object of a scenario to wide format. |
convertToLlama |
Convert an ASScenario scenario object to a llama data object. |
convertToLlamaCVFolds |
Convert an ASScenario scenario object to a llama data object with cross-validation folds. |
createCVSplits |
Create cross-validation splits for a scenario. |
findDominatedAlgos |
Creates a table that shows the dominance of one algorithm over another one. |
fixFeckingPresolve |
Bakes presolving stuff into a LLAMA data frame. |
getAlgorithmNames |
Returns algorithm names of scenario. |
getCosealASScenario |
Retrieves a scenario from the Coseal Github repository and parses into an S3 object. |
getCostsAndPresolvedStatus |
Return whether an instance was presolved and which step did it. |
getDefaultFeatureStepNames |
Returns the default feature step names of scenario. |
getFeatureNames |
Returns feature names of scenario. |
getFeatureStepNames |
Returns feature step names of scenario. |
getInstanceNames |
Returns instance names of scenario. |
getNumberOfCVFolds |
Returns number of CV folds. |
getNumberOfCVReps |
Returns number of CV repetitions. |
getProvidedFeatures |
Return features that are useable for a given set of feature steps. |
getSummedFeatureCosts |
Returns feature costs of scenario, summed over all instances. |
imputeAlgoPerf |
Imputes algorithm performance for runs which have NA performance values. |
parseASScenario |
Parses the data files of an algorithm selection scenario into an S3 object. |
plotAlgoCorMatrix |
Plots the correlation matrix of the algorithms. |
plotAlgoPerf |
EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances. |
plotAlgoPerfBoxplots |
EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances. |
plotAlgoPerfCDFs |
EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances. |
plotAlgoPerfDensities |
EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances. |
plotAlgoPerfScatterMatrix |
EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances. |
runLlamaModels |
Creates a registry which can be used for running several Llama models on a cluster. |
summarizeAlgoPerf |
Creates summary data.frame for algorithm performance values across all instances. |
summarizeAlgoRunstatus |
Creates summary data.frame for algorithm runstatus across all instances. |
summarizeFeatureSteps |
Creates a data.frame that summarizes the feature steps. |
summarizeFeatureValues |
Creates summary data.frame for feature values across all instances. |
summarizeLlamaExps |
Creates summary data.table for runLlamaModel experiments. |
writeASScenario |
Writes an algorithm selection scenario to a directory. |