Interface to the Algorithm Selection Benchmark Library

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Documentation for package ‘aslib’ version 0.1.2

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ASScenario Parses the data files of an algorithm selection scenario into an S3 object.
ASScenarioDesc S3 class for ASScenarioDesc.
checkDuplicatedInstances Checks the feature data set for duplicated instances.
convertAlgoPerfToWideFormat Converts 'algo.runs' object of a scenario to wide format.
convertToLlama Convert an ASScenario scenario object to a llama data object.
convertToLlamaCVFolds Convert an ASScenario scenario object to a llama data object with cross-validation folds.
createCVSplits Create cross-validation splits for a scenario.
findDominatedAlgos Creates a table that shows the dominance of one algorithm over another one.
fixFeckingPresolve Bakes presolving stuff into a LLAMA data frame.
getAlgorithmNames Returns algorithm names of scenario.
getCosealASScenario Retrieves a scenario from the Coseal Github repository and parses into an S3 object.
getCostsAndPresolvedStatus Return whether an instance was presolved and which step did it.
getDefaultFeatureStepNames Returns the default feature step names of scenario.
getFeatureNames Returns feature names of scenario.
getFeatureStepNames Returns feature step names of scenario.
getInstanceNames Returns instance names of scenario.
getNumberOfCVFolds Returns number of CV folds.
getNumberOfCVReps Returns number of CV repetitions.
getProvidedFeatures Return features that are useable for a given set of feature steps.
getSummedFeatureCosts Returns feature costs of scenario, summed over all instances.
imputeAlgoPerf Imputes algorithm performance for runs which have NA performance values.
parseASScenario Parses the data files of an algorithm selection scenario into an S3 object.
plotAlgoCorMatrix Plots the correlation matrix of the algorithms.
plotAlgoPerf EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances.
plotAlgoPerfBoxplots EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances.
plotAlgoPerfCDFs EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances.
plotAlgoPerfDensities EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances.
plotAlgoPerfScatterMatrix EDA plots for performance values of algorithms across all instances.
runLlamaModels Creates a registry which can be used for running several Llama models on a cluster.
summarizeAlgoPerf Creates summary data.frame for algorithm performance values across all instances.
summarizeAlgoRunstatus Creates summary data.frame for algorithm runstatus across all instances.
summarizeFeatureSteps Creates a data.frame that summarizes the feature steps.
summarizeFeatureValues Creates summary data.frame for feature values across all instances.
summarizeLlamaExps Creates summary data.table for runLlamaModel experiments.
writeASScenario Writes an algorithm selection scenario to a directory.