adaptive_nested_quadrature |
Nested, sparse Gaussian quadrature in AGHQ |
aghq |
Adaptive Gauss-Hermite Quadrature |
compute_moment |
Compute moments |
compute_moment.aghq |
Compute moments |
compute_moment.default |
Compute moments |
compute_moment.list |
Compute moments |
compute_pdf_and_cdf |
Density and Cumulative Distribution Function |
compute_pdf_and_cdf.aghq |
Density and Cumulative Distribution Function |
compute_pdf_and_cdf.default |
Density and Cumulative Distribution Function |
compute_pdf_and_cdf.list |
Density and Cumulative Distribution Function |
compute_quantiles |
Quantiles |
compute_quantiles.aghq |
Quantiles |
compute_quantiles.default |
Quantiles |
compute_quantiles.list |
Quantiles |
correct_marginals |
Correct the posterior marginals of a fitted aghq object |
default_control |
Default control arguments for 'aghq::aghq()'. |
default_control_marglaplace |
Default control arguments for 'aghq::marginal_laplace()'. |
default_control_tmb |
Default control arguments for 'aghq::marginal_laplace_tmb()'. |
default_transformation |
Default transformation |
gcdata |
Globular Clusters data for Milky Way mass estimation |
gcdatalist |
Transformed Globular Clusters data |
get_hessian |
Obtain the Hessian from an aghq object |
get_log_normconst |
Obtain the log-normalizing constant from a fitted quadrature object |
get_log_normconst.aghq |
Obtain the log-normalizing constant from a fitted quadrature object |
get_log_normconst.default |
Obtain the log-normalizing constant from a fitted quadrature object |
get_log_normconst.laplace |
Obtain the log-normalizing constant from a fitted quadrature object |
get_log_normconst.marginallaplace |
Obtain the log-normalizing constant from a fitted quadrature object |
get_log_normconst.numeric |
Obtain the log-normalizing constant from a fitted quadrature object |
get_mode |
Obtain the mode from an aghq object |
get_nodesandweights |
Obtain the nodes and weights table from a fitted quadrature object |
get_nodesandweights.aghq |
Obtain the nodes and weights table from a fitted quadrature object | |
Obtain the nodes and weights table from a fitted quadrature object |
get_nodesandweights.default |
Obtain the nodes and weights table from a fitted quadrature object |
get_nodesandweights.laplace |
Obtain the nodes and weights table from a fitted quadrature object |
get_nodesandweights.list |
Obtain the nodes and weights table from a fitted quadrature object |
get_nodesandweights.marginallaplace |
Obtain the nodes and weights table from a fitted quadrature object |
get_numquadpoints |
Obtain the number of quadrature nodes used from an aghq object |
get_opt_results |
Obtain the optimization results from an aghq object |
get_opt_results.aghq |
Obtain the optimization results from an aghq object |
get_opt_results.marginallaplace |
Obtain the optimization results from an aghq object |
get_param_dim |
Obtain the parameter dimension from an aghq object |
get_param_dim.aghq |
Obtain the parameter dimension from an aghq object |
get_quadtable |
Nested, sparse Gaussian quadrature in AGHQ |
get_shift |
Compute numeric moments |
interpolate_marginal_posterior |
Interpolate the Marginal Posterior |
laplace_approximation |
Laplace Approximation |
make_moment_function |
Moments of Positive Functions |
make_moment_function.aghqmoment |
Moments of Positive Functions |
make_moment_function.aghqtrans |
Moments of Positive Functions |
make_moment_function.character |
Moments of Positive Functions |
make_moment_function.default |
Moments of Positive Functions |
make_moment_function.function |
Moments of Positive Functions |
make_moment_function.list |
Moments of Positive Functions |
make_numeric_moment_function |
Compute numeric moments |
make_transformation |
Marginal Parameter Transformations |
make_transformation.aghqtrans |
Marginal Parameter Transformations |
make_transformation.default |
Marginal Parameter Transformations |
make_transformation.list |
Marginal Parameter Transformations |
marginal_laplace |
Marginal Laplace approximation |
marginal_laplace_tmb |
AGHQ-normalized marginal Laplace approximation from a TMB function template |
marginal_posterior |
Marginal Posteriors |
marginal_posterior.aghq |
Marginal Posteriors |
marginal_posterior.list |
Marginal Posteriors |
nested_quadrature |
Nested, sparse Gaussian quadrature in AGHQ |
normalize_logpost |
Normalize the joint posterior using AGHQ |
optimize_theta |
Obtain function information necessary for performing quadrature |
plot.aghq |
Plot method for AGHQ objects |
print.aghq |
Print method for AGHQ objects |
print.aghqsummary |
Print method for AGHQ summary objects |
print.laplace |
Print method for AGHQ objects |
print.laplacesummary |
Print method for laplacesummary objects |
print.marginallaplacesummary |
Summary statistics for models using marginal Laplace approximations |
sample_marginal |
Exact independent samples from an approximate posterior distribution |
sample_marginal.aghq |
Exact independent samples from an approximate posterior distribution |
sample_marginal.marginallaplace |
Exact independent samples from an approximate posterior distribution |
summary.aghq |
Summary statistics computed using AGHQ |
summary.laplace |
Summary method for Laplace Approximation objects |
summary.marginallaplace |
Summary statistics for models using marginal Laplace approximations |
validate_control |
Validate a control list |
validate_moment |
Validate a moment function object |
validate_moment.aghqmoment |
Validate a moment function object |
validate_moment.character |
Validate a moment function object |
validate_moment.default |
Validate a moment function object |
validate_moment.function |
Validate a moment function object |
validate_moment.list |
Validate a moment function object |
validate_transformation |
Validate a transformation object |
validate_transformation.aghqtrans |
Validate a transformation object |
validate_transformation.default |
Validate a transformation object |
validate_transformation.list |
Validate a transformation object |