adj_profile_likelihood_theta_var_maker | Maker Function: Adjusted Profile Likelihood of Latent Variance |
adj_resid_likelihood_theta_var_maker | Maker Function: Adjusted Residual Likelihood of Latent Variance |
agfh_theta_new_pred | Agnostic Fay-Herriot Hierarchical Bayesian Model Predictions at Latent Level |
anderson_darling | Anderson-Darling Normality Test |
beta_err_gen | Generate Data with Beta Sampling Errors |
cramer_vonmises | Cramer-Von Mises Normality Test |
gamma_err_gen | Generate Data with Gamma Sampling Errors |
hb_theta_new_pred | Traditional Fay-Herriot Hierarchical Bayesian Model Predictions |
kolmogorov_smirnov | Kolmogorov-Smirnov Normality Test |
make_agfh_sampler | Maker Function: Agnostic Fay-Herriot Sampler |
make_gibbs_sampler | Maker Function: Traditional Fay-Herriot Gibbs Sampler |
map_from_density | Calculate the MAP Estimate from Posterior Samples |
mse | Calculate the Mean Squared Error Between two Vectors |
null_gen | Generate Data with Normal Sampling Errors |
resid_likelihood_theta_var_maker | Maker Function: Residual Likelihood of Latent Variance |
RM_beta_eblue | Traditional EBLUE Estimator of Beta |
rm_beta_eblue | Traditional EBLUE Estimator of Beta |
RM_theta_eblup | Traditional EBLUP Estimator of Theta |
rm_theta_eblup | Traditional EBLUP Estimator of Theta |
RM_theta_new_pred | Traditional EBLUP Estimator of Theta for new 'X' values |
rm_theta_new_pred | Traditional EBLUP Estimator of Theta for new 'X' values |
RM_theta_var_moment_est | Moment-Based Estimator of Latent Model Variance |
rm_theta_var_moment_est | Moment-Based Estimator of Latent Model Variance |
shapiro_wilk | Shaprio-Wilk Normality Test |
test_u_normal | Normality Test |
theta_var_est_grid | Basic Grid Optimizer for Likelihood |