A Structure for Interfaces from R

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Documentation for package ‘XR’ version 0.7.2

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XR-package A Structure for Interfaces from R
$-method Miscellaneous methods
$-method A Class to Describe General Server Objects
$<--method Miscellaneous methods
asJSONS4 Convert an Object to a Dictionary or Array in JSON Notation
asRObject Specialize the R Object Returned from an Interface Evaluator
asRObject-method Specialize the R Object Returned from an Interface Evaluator
asServerObject Generate a Server Language Expression corresponding to an R Object
asServerObject-method Generate a Server Language Expression corresponding to an R Object
AssignedProxy Class for Assigned Proxy Objects and Related Mechanisms
AssignedProxy-class Class for Assigned Proxy Objects and Related Mechanisms
dumpProxyFunction Write A Proxy Function to a File or Connection
evaluatorAction Carry Out an Evaluator Initialization Action
evaluatorAction-method Carry Out an Evaluator Initialization Action
evaluatorActions Add to Table of Search Paths and Import Commands
evaluatorNumber Get or start an evaluator for an interface
evaluatorTable Get or start an evaluator for an interface
fillNames Utilities for Server-Language Specific Use
fixHelpTopic Make a Help Topic an Explicit Character String
from_Server A Class to Describe General Server Objects
from_Server-class A Class to Describe General Server Objects
getInterface Get or start an evaluator for an interface
initialize-method A Class to Describe General Server Objects
Interface Reference class for all interface evaluators
Interface-class Reference class for all interface evaluators
InterfaceCondition-class Classes of objects representing errors or other conditions in a server language
InterfaceError-class Classes of objects representing errors or other conditions in a server language
InterfaceWarning-class Classes of objects representing errors or other conditions in a server language
isProxy Test if an Object is a Proxy
MiscMethods Miscellaneous methods
nameQuote Plain Double Quote for Names
noScalar Send a Non-scalar Version of an Object
objectAsJSON Construct a String in JSON Notation to Represent an R Object
objectAsJSON-method Construct a String in JSON Notation to Represent an R Object
objectDictionary Generate the Explicit Dictionary form for an R Object
packageSetup Execute a Setup Step for a Package
ProxyClass A Class to Describe Classes in the Server Language
ProxyClass-class A Class to Describe Classes in the Server Language
ProxyClassObject A Class for Objects that are Proxies for Specific Server Class Objects
ProxyClassObject-class A Class for Objects that are Proxies for Specific Server Class Objects
proxyEvaluator The Evaluator Function Object Referred to from a Proxy Objec
ProxyFunction A Class for Proxy Functions
ProxyFunction-class A Class for Proxy Functions
proxyName Return the Server Language Name Corresponding to a Proxy Object
proxyName-method Return the Server Language Name Corresponding to a Proxy Object
ProxyObject-class Class Union to Represent Proxy Objects
rmInterface Get or start an evaluator for an interface
serverAddToPath Add to Table of Search Paths and Import Commands
ServerClassDef The Definition of a Server Language Class
ServerClassDef-class The Definition of a Server Language Class
serverFields-class Class Union for Describing Server Language Fields
serverImport Add to Table of Search Paths and Import Commands
serverTask Add to Table of Search Paths and Import Commands
setProxyClass Create a Proxy Class
show-method A Class to Describe General Server Objects
typeToJSON Convert a Simple Object to JSON String
Unconvertible-class Unconverted Server Language Objects
valueFromServer Convert the String Returned by a Server Language Interface to an R Object.
vector_R A class that facilitates returning R vectors via a list in JSON
vector_R-class A class that facilitates returning R vectors via a list in JSON
XR A Structure for Interfaces from R