asServerObject {XR}R Documentation

Generate a Server Language Expression corresponding to an R Object


Returns a string that can be inserted into a server language expression. When parsed and evaluated by the server evaluator, the result will be the appropriate object or data.


asServerObject(object, prototype)

## S4 method for signature 'name'
asServerObject(object, prototype)

## S4 method for signature 'AssignedProxy'
asServerObject(object, prototype)

## S4 method for signature 'ProxyFunction'
asServerObject(object, prototype)

## S4 method for signature 'ProxyClassObject'
asServerObject(object, prototype)



The R object.


The proxy for a prototype of the server language object wanted. When called from the 'AsServerObject()' method of an evaluator, this argument is supplied automatically from a class of objects for that evaluator, allowing methods to be defined specialized to the various interface evalutor classes.


Methods for proxy objects and proxy class objects will produce the name under which they were assigned. The default method uses JSON to encode the object as a string and expects the server side interface to have a function objectFromJSON() to decode the string.

Methods (by class)


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall/CRC. ( Chapter 13, discussing this package, is included in the package: ../doc/Chapter_XR.pdf.)

[Package XR version 0.7.2 Index]