evaluatorActions {XR}R Documentation

Add to Table of Search Paths and Import Commands


Utilities to add to the table of search paths, import commands and tasks for all evalutors of the specified class. Called only from analogous functions in packages for specific languages.


serverAddToPath(Class, directory,
  package = utils::packageName(topenv(parent.frame())), pos = NA,
  onLoad = NA, where = topenv(parent.frame()))

serverImport(Class, ..., onLoad = nzchar(packageName(where))  &&
                 !environmentIsLocked(where),  where = topenv(parent.frame()))

serverTask(Class, command, onLoad = nzchar(packageName(where)),
  where = topenv(parent.frame()))



the class of the server-specific evalutor.


the directory to add to the search path table.


the name of the server-specific interface package.


where in the list of directories to insert this one. Defaults to the end.

onLoad, where

used to set up a load action; should be omitted if called from a package source


arguments to pass to the evaluator's $Import() method


an unevaluated command or expression for the evaluator.


The server-specific information is added to the table stored by the XR package. All future evaluators for the specified interface class will have these directories in their search path, will import the module information specified and carry out any other tasks supplied.

If a current evaluator for this class exists, it applies all the commands, but previous evalutors for this class are not modified.

Commands are evaluated in the order of the calls to these functions. For example, the application package should execute a call to add to the search path before any calls to import modules form the corresponding directory.



Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall/CRC. ( Chapter 13, discussing this package, is included in the package: ../doc/Chapter_XR.pdf.)

[Package XR version 0.7.2 Index]