Visualization and Imputation of Missing Values

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Documentation for package ‘VIM’ version 6.2.2

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VIM-package Visualization and Imputation of Missing Values
aggr Aggregations for missing/imputed values
alphablend Alphablending for colors
Animals_na Animals_na
barMiss Barplot with information about missing/imputed values
bcancer Breast cancer Wisconsin data set
bgmap Backgound map
brittleness Brittleness index data set
bubbleMiss Growing dot map with information about missing/imputed values
chorizonDL C-horizon of the Kola data with missing values
colic Colic horse data set
collisions Subset of the collision data
colormapMiss Colored map with information about missing/imputed values
colormapMissLegend Colored map with information about missing/imputed values
colSequence HCL and RGB color sequences
colSequenceHCL HCL and RGB color sequences
colSequenceRGB HCL and RGB color sequences
countInf Count number of infinite or missing values
countNA Count number of infinite or missing values
diabetes Indian Prime Diabetes Data
evaluation Error performance measures
food Food consumption
gapMiss Missing value gap statistics
gowerD Computes the extended Gower distance of two data sets
growdotMiss Growing dot map with information about missing/imputed values
histMiss Histogram with information about missing/imputed values
hotdeck Hot-Deck Imputation
iimagMiss Matrix plot
impPCA Iterative EM PCA imputation
initialise Initialization of missing values
irmi Iterative robust model-based imputation (IRMI)
kNN k-Nearest Neighbour Imputation
kola.background Background map for the Kola project data
mapMiss Map with information about missing/imputed values
marginmatrix Marginplot Matrix
marginplot Scatterplot with additional information in the margins
matchImpute Fast matching/imputation based on categorical variable
matrixplot Matrix plot
maxCat Aggregation function for a factor variable
medianSamp Aggregation function for a ordinal variable
mosaicMiss Mosaic plot with information about missing/imputed values
msecor Error performance measures
msecov Error performance measures
nrmse Error performance measures
pairsVIM Scatterplot Matrices
parcoordMiss Parallel coordinate plot with information about missing/imputed values
pbox Parallel boxplots with information about missing/imputed values
pfc Error performance measures
plot.aggr Aggregations for missing/imputed values
prepare Transformation and standardization
print.aggr Aggregations for missing/imputed values
print.summary.aggr Aggregations for missing/imputed values
pulplignin Pulp lignin content
rangerImpute Random Forest Imputation
regressionImp Regression Imputation
rugNA Rug representation of missing/imputed values
sampleCat Random aggregation function for a factor variable
SBS5242 Synthetic subset of the Austrian structural business statistics data
scattJitt Bivariate jitter plot
scattmatrixMiss Scatterplot matrix with information about missing/imputed values
scattMiss Scatterplot with information about missing/imputed values
sleep Mammal sleep data
spineMiss Spineplot with information about missing/imputed values
summary.aggr Aggregations for missing/imputed values
tableMiss create table with highlighted missings/imputations
tao Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) project data
testdata Simulated data set for testing purpose
TKRmatrixplot Matrix plot
toydataMiss Simulated toy data set for examples
VIM Visualization and Imputation of Missing Values
wine Wine tasting and price